“Wait, are you Jean-Jacques Goldman?”: incredible surprise for this Airbnb host who accidentally welcomes the singer on vacation

Although he has been rare in the media sphere for nearly two decades, Jean-Jacques Goldman remains an emblematic and adored figure of the French public. With each appearance, even fleeting, the artist arouses a wave of emotions among his admirers. This summer, it was in Brittany that a lucky woman had the privilege of crossing his path.

Cathleen, a ceramicist and Airbnb host, certainly didn’t expect to host one of the most iconic artists of French song. However, that’s exactly what happened on July 24, 2024, when Jean-Jacques Goldman and his wife moved into her apartment, says Here is.

As she explains on her Instagram account, the owner had carefully prepared the apartment for the arrival of a couple, leaving the keys at their disposal in her absence. It was only the next day, when she went to meet them, that she realized the identity of her tenants.

It all started with a simple and pleasant discussion about their stay and the beauty of the Breton landscapes, until something in the man’s words awakened in her a feeling of déjà vu.

Jean-Jacques Goldman in all humility

Ses words echoed in a familiar way, and I began to make the connection.”explains Cathleen. Then, it clicks: she is indeed in the presence of Jean-Jacques Goldman.

Surprised and amused according to our colleagues, she did not hesitate to ask him, with a smile on her lips: “Wait a second, are you Jean-Jacques Goldman?” The latter, faithful to his image of a humble and approachable man, confirmed with a laugh.

A memory engraved in the rock

Cathleen kept an unforgettable memory of this meeting, immortalized by a photo with the singer, taken by his wife. The story of this meeting, shared on Instagram, aroused the envy of many Internet users. “Jean-Jacques is so kind”, “this meeting is a very “beautiful gift”we could read in the comments.

Despite his withdrawal from the public scene, Jean-Jacques Goldman continues to be a source of admiration for his fans. This chance meeting in Brittany is proof: even far from the spotlight, the artist remains deeply anchored in the hearts of many French people.



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