Northern lights outside Sigtuna – mä


Blåljus In connection with a traffic control on road 263, a driver swerved and a helicopter was called in to search.


Blåljus A man was arrested on Monday morning in Sigtuna, suspected of having abused and threatened a woman with whom he has a relationship. The incident occurred in an apartment.

Notices Morning bulletin – September 2!

Blåljus A man who arrived at Arlanda was arrested on Saturday when he had gold goods worth several million kroner with him.

Notices After the Uppsala commuter train and several other lines received notice of closure, the Green Party demands that SJ be given a changed mission and can run on lines that have a socially important function.

Notices Several children poured lighter fluid in a residential area on Saturday, after which the police had to be called.

News Morgonkollen – September 1!

The closure of the Uppsala commuter train

Politics The Uppsala commuter train’s 18 daily departures can be taken over by Mälartåg, this is a proposal that the Christian Democrats in Uppsala are promoting in Region Uppsala.

Notices Morning bulletin – 31 August!

The closure of the Uppsala commuter train

News SJ’s closure of the Uppsala commuter train risks affecting punctuality between Uppsala and Stockholm via Märsta.

Notices SMHI issues a warning for thunder and downpours that may move in over the municipality during Friday morning.

Notices Morning bulletin – 30 August!

Notices In 2023, 21 personal registration plates were approved in the municipality, 15 of these were brand new and six were extensions.

Blåljus The man who was recently arrested on suspicion of murder in a residence in the municipality has now been released.

Notices Morning bulletin – August 29!

The closure of the Uppsala commuter train

News It is not only in Sigtuna municipality that criticism has been directed at SJ for the decision to shut down the Uppsala commuter train in December. There are also strong reactions in Uppsala and Knivsta. The Uppsala commute has caused strong reactions, not only in Sigtuna municipality but also in the neighboring municipalities of Knivsta and Uppsala.

Notices Since Ärlinghem introduced hot buffet food, the elderly eat better.

Notices Morning bulletin – August 28!


Blåljus On Tuesday, the police had to go out to a loft passage due to the fact that a hand grenade had been found.

The closure of the Uppsala commuter train

News Olov Holst (M), chairman of the municipal board, directs sharp criticism at SJ after the announcement of the closure of the Uppsala commuter train: – The announcement is like a blow with a clenched fist right in the face to Sigtuna municipality’s already hard-pressed commuters, says Holst.


News SJ will end its regional traffic between Stockholm and Uppsala as of December 15, 2024, due to difficulties in competing with tax-subsidized traffic from Mälardalstrafik and SL.

Notices SMHI states that during Tuesday there is a high risk of forest fires in the municipality and the rest of eastern Svealand.

Notices Morning bulletin – August 27!



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