The headquarters of the families of the abductees to the silent Netanyahu: “He appeared in public before the nation”

Following the news of the murder of the six abductees, there was great anger among the families of the abductees. “The headquarters of the families of the abductees demands that Netanyahu appear in a public appearance before the nation and bear direct responsibility for the abduction of the abductees.”

The headquarters accuses the Prime Minister of falsifying deals for the release of the abductees: “The finding of the bodies yesterday is a direct result of Netanyahu’s falsifying the deals, entrenching himself in the Philadelphia axis and increasing the military pressure that resulted in the death of many abductees.”

Hersh Goldberg, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarosi, Alex Labanov and Uri Danino, photo: no credit

In their statement, the family members mention that “over the past months, 8 abductees were rescued alive in military operations, compared to 105 abductees who were released in the deal.” They appeal directly to the Prime Minister: “Don’t hide behind the IDF spokesman, give the public an account of the never-ending lawlessness.”

At the same time, the Israel Business Forum, which consists of 200 business leaders and employs most of the non-unionized workers in Israel, joined the protest of the kidnapped headquarters. The forum calls on “the entire public not to remain indifferent in the face of the daily loss of life and the abandonment of the abductees to their deaths, when according to the entire security system they could have been saved.”

The economic forum warns: economic chaos, the strike of the education system and the collapse of the public service”, photo: Yehoshua Yosef

The forum adds that at the same time as the security chaos, there is “economic chaos without a sensible state budget, a strike in the education system and the collapse of the public service”.

An emergency meeting of the forum is expected to take place tonight together with headquarters, organizations and other bodies. At the end of the convention, the participants are expected to update the public on the decisions that will be made.”

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