Leonardo DiCaprio reacts to the hero’s death in Titanic for the first time

Leonardo DiCaprio reacts to the hero’s death in Titanic for the first time

If you have seen the Hollywood movie Titanic, you must remember its ending in which the heroine survives by climbing a wooden plank while the hero freezes to death while floating on the plank.

Released in 1997, the film is now 22 years old, but fans often ask why Jack (hero) was not kept alive when Rose (heroine) could have been saved. kept?

Fans have been asking people associated with the film for a long time, and now Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays Jack, has spoken about it for the first time.

Leonardo is busy promoting his new movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and he gave an interview to MTV along with Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie.

On this occasion, Leonardo DiCaprio was asked if Jack could not have been saved by placing him on the wooden plank with Rose.

On this occasion, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, who worked with him in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, also said funny phrases, but Brad Pitt promised that he would go back and judge after watching this film.

Margot Robbie said ‘I think this is the greatest controversy of modern cinema’.

Brad Pitt asked Leonardo DiCaprio ‘Couldn’t you get in there? While Margot Robbie asked DiCaprio if the door was too small, Leonardo DiCaprio again said he didn’t want to talk about it.

Note that Kate Winslet, who plays Rose, discussed the issue during a TV interview in 2016, saying rather than insisting that ‘Jack could have been fit in that door’.

On the other hand, when the director James Cameron was asked this question in 2017 on the completion of 20 years of the film, he said that Jack’s death was fixed in the script and whether he sat on the board or not, he had to die, because the film The story is about death and separation.

“The answer is very simple because on page 147 of the script it was written that Jack had to die and that was it, of course it was an artistic choice,” he said.

However, he also said that the door was only big enough to hold Rose, it didn’t have enough room to hold Jack, which is ridiculous to be discussing this 20 years later.

Titanic grossed over $2 billion worldwide and was the second-highest-grossing film for a long time behind Avatar, but has now been replaced by Avengers: Endgame.

#Leonardo #DiCaprio #reacts #heros #death #Titanic #time
2024-09-02 23:15:16



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