Kult: He left his third wife András Laár

Cult: He left his third wife András Laár | hvg.hu

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August 2024. 31. 11:12 August 2024. 31. 11:12 Cult

The comedian moved out of the family home a few weeks ago and is considering a divorce after 15 years of marriage.

A few weeks ago, András Laár left his third wife and moved out of the family home, reports a Glance. According to the paper, the comedian is considering divorcing his third wife, Kata, to whom he has been married for 15 years. They also have a child together, 13-year-old Illés Buda, who stayed with Kata.

Blikk reached Laár’s wife by phone, Kata did not deny the paper’s information, but asked for time to comment on the subject. The couple, on the outside, seemed to get on well with each other, but an acquaintance of Laárék told Blikk that, despite appearances, they had been struggling with problems for quite some time.

Blikk tried to reach Laár several times, without success, but the founder of KFT recently spoke to kultura.hu about the fact that he no longer lives with his wife: “I have also given up on the turmoil in my private life. I recently moved away from my wife of fifteen years of tumult. I didn’t come here for another woman, and I’m not looking for a new relationship right now. Now I’m going in the direction of peace and I feel very good alone,” he said.

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