The “Common Mortals”… capture Patras

The “Common Mortals”… capture Patras

“Common Mortals” the beloved 8-member band from Aliveri in Evia that “tangles” fast rhythms and musical instruments in a mix of sounds of a stormy full band, that raps traveling from Greek traditional music, to rock and hip-hop, to 9.30 pm on Friday 6 September comes to Patras and the stage of the “Old Slaughterhouses” for the International Festival.

The group uses its music as a means of inspiration for a better world, highlighting through its humanist awakening lyrics the impasses of a system that is constantly blinding, unjust and covering up…

Their music is multi-influenced without being labelled, as its members refuse labels and categorize themselves into any specific musical genre. For this reason they are rightly considered as one of the most innovative bands of the domestic scene.

Their art is their voice and their pen the force that pushes them to continue. They create social reflection by expressing the “flaws of the times”. “They don’t pinch.”

In their productions they use natural instruments such as guitars, bass, drums, trumpet, baglama, accordion and keyboards. They are self-taught musicians and make their loops mainly with their own music and using few samples.

They inspire and ignite and invite the audience to join their voice with them. They give a “signal” to “dance adama” and “change the times”, stressing that “They do not believe that art will change the world, but that with art as an ally, the change of the world acquires a rhythm”.

“Common Mortals” consists of Vassilis Fotias Lyrics/Song/Music), Mitsofou (Lyrics/Rap), Antonis Meimaris (Music/Production/Instruments), Tasos Meimaris (Scratch/Rap/Artwork),

Ticket supply: Joe Records Record Store (Karaiskaki 134), Rodopoulos Bookstore (Corinthou 274).
Online availability:

Ticket prices: General admission €10.00, student – ​​unemployed and people over 65 €7.00, group €5.00

#Common #Mortals.. #capture #Patras



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