Big upheaval in Pakistan cricket, Puri’s entire team management was relieved of their positions

Big upheaval in Pakistan cricket, Puri’s entire team management was relieved of their positions

PSL franchise Islamabad United has laid off all its staff due to business activities being disrupted due to the corona virus.

According to media reports, the 2016 and 2018 PSL champions Islamabad United have taken this decision due to the Corona crisis.

According to sources, there is also a possibility that Islamabad United will be sold.

It should be noted that the deadly corona virus, which has affected around 2 crore people worldwide and caused more than 730 thousand deaths, has also affected 284 thousand 938 people in Pakistan, but the good thing is that in this 2 lakh 60 thousand 764 patients have also been cured.

Which is more than 91% of the total cases.

The number of people who lost their lives due to corona virus in the country has reached 6 thousand 107.

If we talk about the situation of corona virus till today evening, 435 more new cases and 13 deaths were confirmed in the country while 516 patients recovered.

Last day’s data of Balochistan came out today. According to which 22 patients were diagnosed with the virus and one died.

The first case of corona virus in Pakistan was revealed much later than other countries in the region at the end of February.

After 2 to 3 months of high cases here, the situation is improving.

In the months of February and March, the number of corona cases in the country was quite low, but in April, they started to increase.

After which the situation changed completely in May and again in June, the number of daily cases started decreasing in the month of July and the same situation is maintained in August.

#Big #upheaval #Pakistan #cricket #Puris #entire #team #management #relieved #positions
2024-09-02 19:44:11



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