Vannacci-La Russa, social sparks. “Desolation”, the criticism is fulminating –

Vannacci-La Russa, social sparks. “Desolation”, the criticism is fulminating –

Roberto Vannacci uses social media to attack the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa. Getting a few things off his chest, after the criticism received by the second highest office in the State, one of the founders of Fratelli d’Italia. On Facebook, the general – elected with the League to the European Parliament – ​​posted two photos today. The first – title: desolation at Versiliana – is a shot from August 30, during the interview with La Russa at the Marina di Pietrasanta kermesse, where Vannacci emphasizes that there were “about 120 people counted… (Giovanni Donzelli was also present, who mobilized the entire party)”.

Vannacci-La Russa, social sparks. “Desolation”, the criticism is fulminating –

Then he adds a second shot, in which the general speaks of himself in the third person: «The comparison with Vannacci’s evening last August 24th that gathered 1000 people, many of whom remained standing, is not even possible…». Followed by Vannacci-style hashtags, among which #Decima #menefrego stand out. Among the comments someone writes «if we continue with this hypocrisy of Maurizio Gasparri who attacks Vannacci who in turn attacks La Russa… well, we are playing the game that the left wants», Luciano’s words that Vannacci himself comments: «No attack, just a response to La Russa who has never missed an opportunity to criticize and belittle me. For me, it ends here».

Don't open that office. Avs risks splitting

#VannacciLa #Russa #social #sparks #Desolation #criticism #fulminating #Tempo
2024-09-02 00:48:56

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