He stabbed her four times. He buried the murder weapon on the banks of the Adda River and threw clothes and shoes used to commit the murder into a plastic bag in the water. The 30-day escape that the Carabinieri of Bergamo call the “long escape” of the alleged killer of Sharon Verzeni, the 33-year-old killed in a side street of Via Castegnate in Terno d’Isola on the night between July 29 and 30, lasted 30 days. At 4:30 yesterday, the military executed the arrest warrant ordered by the prosecutor Emanuele Marchisio, against Moussa Sangare, a 31-year-old Italian of African origins, accused of voluntary homicide aggravated by premeditation. After an interrogation that lasted hours in the barracks, assisted by the lawyer Giacomo Maj, he confessed. He is now in prison in Bergamo. According to the prosecutors, he could commit other crimes, flee or hide evidence. He will have to appear before the investigating judge on Monday for a validation hearing. Sangare is the man to whom the Carabinieri of the Calusco d’Adda station, the Investigative Unit, the Parma RIS and the ROS have been trying to give a name and a face for a month, starting from a snapshot: the figure filmed by surveillance cameras while he is pedaling fast, on a bicycle in the wrong direction, leaving the crime scene. The identification was made possible by the analysis of dozens of cameras with which “the entire route” was reconstructed, and two foreign witnesses who spontaneously presented themselves to the investigators. The 31-year-old did not know Sharon – explained the acting prosecutor of Bergamo, Maria Cristina Rota – they had never met. That evening he did not take drugs or alcohol, but he left the house armed with 4 knives taken from a kitchen block with “the aim of striking”. Along the way he pointed them at two boys of 15 and 16 – still unidentified – to whom the Prosecutor’s Office is appealing: come to the barracks and tell them what happened.
Then he chose “as the victim” the former beautician, about to marry her boyfriend Sergio Ruocco. “I felt the urge to stab” Sangare told the prosecutors. “Wrong place, wrong time” were the words of the prosecutor who clarified: no motive behind the murder. “The victim could have been Verzeni or any of us”. The alleged killer, fatherless, has no criminal record and is unknown to any psychiatric service: he is now in prison on charges of premeditated murder. “He wanted to be a singer, he had auditioned for X Factor” says a 22-year-old who knows him. The peak of his artistic career was reached with the song “Scusa” (15 million views on YouTube), a collaboration between Moussa Sangare and the rapper Izi, pseudonym of Diego Germini. “A quiet guy, always on his own” say the boys from Susio, a small town in the Bergamo area, where the 31-year-old lived on the first floor of an apartment building, with his mother and sister upstairs, before being reported by them for mistreatment: his sister allegedly held a knife to his back. The investigations had already been concluded and he would soon face trial. After the complaint, he allegedly went to live in a squat in Chignolo d’Isola where investigators found 3 bicycles, one of which was identified as the one in the videos. It’s a senseless story, the psychiatric aspect will definitely need to be looked into – said the lawyer from Sangare – he told me he was sorry for what happened, he realized it”. “Two days after the murder we had a barbecue together, with other friends. He was a quiet boy, friends since we were little”, the former schoolmate of the confessed offender. Friends tell how after a trip to the United States he had changed. “He was a good person, he had been to England and the United States then he came back but changed, he said he sees auras, energies. It’s hard for us to believe, we imagine it was a sudden fit. He wanted to make it big with singing, to make a living he did odd jobs like in a pizzeria”. The place where he abandoned the weapon was indicated by the suspect himself: he had buried it. The blade is considered compatible with the wounds found by the coroner on the body of Sharon Verzeni. A month after the death of Verzeni marked by media pressure on her boyfriend and family, the news of the arrest “is also relieving because it sweeps away all the speculation that has been made about the life of Sharon and Sergio”, says the victim’s father, Bruno Verzeni. “Sharon’s absurd and violent death is not in vain and causes greater sensitivity in everyone to the issue of the safety of our lives”, the words of the family.
#killed #Tempo
2024-09-01 21:29:08