The murder of Jesuits prompted the National Dialogue for Peace

In the second season of the show National Dialogue for Peacethe drivers Leonardo Curzio and José Aguayo received the Jesuit priest Jorge Atilano Gonzalezto discuss different topics related to proposals for peace in the country.

Priest Atilano González also has a degree in Social Sciences, in Theological Sciences and is executive director of the National Dialogue for Peace.

The talk revolved around different topics, such as the tragic events that occurred in June 2022, when Two Jesuits and a civilian were executed by organized crimewhich generated the actions that led to the National Dialogue for Peace program.

Atilano González narrated how that situation was experienced shook the Jesuit order in Mexico and the worldas they were extremely concerned about the level of violence, following the modus operandi of the murder at the altar of the members of their order, along with a civilian.

Working for peace building

From this they decided on dialogue between Jesuits and bishops in order to find a religious and Working together to build peaceinfluencing civil society and different groups and sectors of the population and institutions.

Another of the central points was the observation that In the south of the Republic, there is more dialogue through the community.because they have less confidence in the authorities.

It differs from the Northwhere institutions enjoy greater acceptance, this being one of the observations that have been confirmed after the analysis of the different areas of the country.

National Commitment to Peace

The drivers asked the Jesuit priest about the topic of March 11, the signing of the National Commitment for Peace which was held in the first stage of the dialogues, inviting the then presidential candidates to attend.

Xóchitl Gálvez and Jorge Álvarez Máynez responded immediately, but Claudia Sheinbaum was late to joinalthough he confirmed it in the last moments, leaving them in suspense.

On the day of the signing, The Morena member came with an attached documentwhere he commented that it would be important to analyze it, since there were differences and coincidences, but they were open to dialogue.

New stage of peace talks

Finally, there was talk about the new stage that the dialogues for peaceafter the signature of the president-elect, the nine governors and at least 199 mayoral candidates.

He clarified that they will approach the elected officials who have not signed so that they join the commitment.

For now, they are awaiting the formation of the government secretariats to get closer.

Finally, they invited people to keep up to date with the agenda and the different topics related to the movement on the page

#murder #Jesuits #prompted #National #Dialogue #Peace
2024-09-01 14:41:09



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