This is the typical body shape of the “perfect runner”, is it you?

2024-09-01 08:30:59

Fairly thin, with long legs and a short torso: here are a few traits typical of a high-level marathoner’s body type.

Stronger trail runners exhibit more developed lower body muscles.

Learn the five physiological points of the ideal runner and why, deep down, it doesn’t matter.

A little about the concept of “morphology”

The term morphology refers to all the bones, muscles, tendons, and fat structures from which each human body’s constitution originates.

The systems that make it up are both independent and interconnected, creating a complex operation that requires understanding. Let’s try to summarize.

innate form

Some of our shapes are innate.

The size of the bones or the length ratio between tendons and muscles is one of the parameters recorded from birth.

With equal training (or in the absence of specific training), these innate factors can have an impact on running performance.

For example, a runner will “naturally” have more endurance if his muscles are composed primarily of slow-twitch fibers.

Conversely, if its muscles are rich in fast-twitch muscle fibers, it will be “genetically programmed” to be faster. Since William Sheldon we have distinguished three innate modalities:

  • ectomorph : Thin body, uniform appearance, fine bones, narrow shoulders and pelvis, metabolism consumes a lot of fat.
  • mesomorph : Broad bones, good basic muscle tissue, and efficient metabolism;
  • endomorph : Flesh body, slow metabolism.

acquired morphology

If these Morphological type Although related to fundamental tendencies, their influence on silhouette is not inevitable.

It is possible to gain muscle by becoming an ectomorph. Get in shape and become an endomorph at the same time.

Trusted by everyone except for specific health issuesphysiological adaptation Improve your body shape through exercise and diet.

Modifiable parameters include muscle volume, tendon flexibility and fat mass.

In other words: in sports, No matter your body type (almost) nothing is written.

The typical form of a runner has 5 points

Having said that, it is possible to distinguish Typical form of a runner Particular attention is paid to high-level athletes.

To find out if you have all the qualities of a professional runner, check out these 5 things.

#1 Short and light upper body

High-performance runners typically have The bust is relatively short compared to the size of the legs.

In addition to this genetic predisposition, the goal is to keep as much weight off your upper body as possible so it doesn’t become unnecessarily heavy.

This happens through Limited muscle mass and fat mass. However, the deep muscles must be well strengthened to ensure trunk stability.

Maintaining a straight posture throughout the procedure promotes breathing and relaxation, thereby conserving valuable energy resources.

#2 Legs get longer

have long legs Makes running easier, but not just that.

Matching long legs long tendon Therefore, shorter muscles automatically store and release more energy.

In addition, a tibia longer than femur Naturally lowers the center of gravity closer to the calf, allowing for better mass distribution.

#3 Light feet

Again, this is a question mass distribution.

The lighter the weight of the foot at the end of each segment, the less energy is expended to complete a stride (hence the importance of transferring the weight of the shoe).

according to a study Studies have been conducted on the effects of weight distribution, and an additional eight kilograms of load at the ankle will result in 24% additional energy consumptioncompared to only a 4% increase when the same weight is added to the hips.

#4 Slim Buttocks

of Hips are thin and narrow :

  • Better resistance to tilting every time it touches the ground;
  • Limit the lever arm and the deformation it may cause;
  • Save stabilizing muscles.

#5 “Normal” Body Mass Index

Neither too thin nor too fatthis is the creed.

Maintaining a “normal” BMI (between 18.5 and 25) allows you to not feel burdened by excess weight while still having enough strength to produce the desired muscle strength.

However, distance runners do often exhibit slim silhouettesometimes bordering on weak.

The explanation for this morphology is an actual lack of strength training, resulting in reduced muscle hypertrophy. Additionally, endurance exercise burns fat mass.

Through running, the silhouette is redrawn naturally, provided of course that the posture follows.

Each game format has its typical shape

Anatomical advantages and physiological adaptations vary depending on whether you practice marathon, sprint, or trail running.

If the above five points are more or less common to all runners, Typical shapes will necessarily vary depending on the discipline.

Typical form of a marathon runner

this marathon runner The calves are generally fairly short, which has the dual advantage of increasing elastic recovery and limiting surrounding muscle mass.

On the other hand, their size is usually small.

The reason is simple. At high levels, the weight of a large body can quickly become incapacitating.

With the same idea, Underdevelopment of bust and arms To limit the mass carried on top of the body.

Therefore, the ideal body size is approximately 1.70 m and 55 kg.

This weight/height ratio also provides a higher-than-average skin surface area for better perspiration, thus regulating body temperature more efficiently.

Typical form of a trail runner

Mountain trail running requires more muscle than road running.

Therefore, we found that the runner’s profile Highly developed lower body musclesoften accompanied by hamstring, quadriceps, and calf hypertrophy. This muscle strength allows you to propel yourself uphill and absorb the impact when going downhill.

The upper part is underdeveloped and has a silhouette similar to that of a marathon runner.

So the typical trail runner is a mix of a bottom 800-meter runner and a bottom marathon runner. However, the profiles of elite runners show certain characteristics. Diversity. With a height of 1.92 m and a weight of 75 kg,

François d’Haene has a slimmer build than Pau Capell, his weight is 63 kg and his height is 1.70 m. However, both won the legendary UTMB.

Typical form of a sprinter

Height is an advantage sprint. Shifting the center of gravity upward creates a slight imbalance forward and allows for a quicker start, with elite runners gaining milliseconds at the finish line.

one large size Even where muscle mass is developed, endurance issues are limited.

To sum up

If you can identify the typical form of a runner, There is no perfect body shape.

This is especially true in amateur sports, where the length of your femur has little effect on your practice.

quality and regularity exercise More important than any genetic, anatomical and physiological predisposition.

No matter your body shape, you can put on your sneakers, go for a run and enjoy nature. The rest is physiological adaptation!

sport-cat-date-updated">Manon updated on:January 9, 2024

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