High levels of rain in Sporades, Evia and Peloponnese

According to the records of the network of automatic weather stations of meteo.gr / National Observatory of Athens, the highest cumulative amount of rain, until approximately 18:00, was recorded in Alonissos and was equal to 59 millimeters. The relevant table shows the 8 stations of the network that recorded the highest rain levels until approximately 18:00 on Saturday 31/08.

The following map shows the electrical discharges* recorded by the Lightning Imager instrument of the MTG-I1 satellite from the beginning of the twenty-four hour period until 18:30 Greek time. According to him, 53,892 evacuations were recorded, 21,492 of which were over land and 32,400 over sea. Intense electrical activity can be seen in the afternoon and afternoon above the Peloponnese as well as the morning activity in the Sporades which was accompanied by large amounts of rain.

Sunday’s weather

According to the EMY, heavy rains and storms are expected in the Sporades, Evia, Peloponnese and Crete on Sunday.

Intermittent clouds are forecast until the afternoon with rain and storms mainly in the central and southern mainland and the Aegean.

Winds will blow from north directions 3 to 5 and locally in the Cyclades up to 6 Beaufort.

The temperature will rise slightly in terms of its maximum values ​​in the center and north where it will reach 32 to 33 degrees Celsius. In the rest of the regions it will reach 29 to 31 degrees.

Weather: A few clouds at intervals increased with the possibility of temporary local rains or isolated thunderstorms in the early morning hours in the southern parts of central Macedonia and in the mid-afternoon in the mountains.
Winds: Northerly 3 to 4 and east local 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 17 to 32 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia the minimum is 3 to 4 degrees lower.

Weather: A few clouds increased in the afternoon – afternoon, so in the western Sterea, the western Peloponnese and possibly in the southern Ionian and the highlands of Epirus there will be rains and storms. The phenomena in the western Peloponnese are likely to be temporarily strong.
Winds: Variable 3 to 4 Beaufort and in the afternoon hours in the Ionian West Northwest.
Temperature: From 21 to 33 and in the southern Ionian and western Peloponnese up to 31 degrees Celsius. In the interior of Epirus the minimum is 4 to 5 degrees lower.

Weather: A few clouds at times locally increased. Local rains and storms will occur until noon in Evia and noon-afternoon in the rest of the regions. The phenomena in the eastern Peloponnese and Evia are likely to be temporarily strong.
Winds: Northerly 3 to 4 and east local 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 19 to 31 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds at times increasing with local showers and thunderstorms until the afternoon. The phenomena in Crete are likely to be temporarily strong.
Winds: North northwesterlies 4 to 5 and temporarily in the Cyclades locally 6 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 22 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds at times increased with the possibility of a few local rains and in the morning hours in the north in places storms.
Winds: North northwest 4 to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 22 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds at intervals increased with rains and storms in the early morning hours in the Sporades and the eastern parts of Thessaly and in the afternoon – afternoon in the continental highlands. The effects in the Sporades are likely to be temporarily strong.
Winds: From north directions 3 to 4 Beaufort and variable from the afternoon.
Temperature: From 19 to 33 degrees and in the Sporades up to 29 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased in the afternoon – afternoon, when there will be local rains and storms mainly in the mountains.
Winds: Northerly 3 to 4 and east local 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 21 to 31 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds at times increased with the possibility of temporary local rains in the midday – afternoon in the mountains.
Winds: From north directions 3 to 4 Beaufort and variable from the afternoon.
Temperature: From 19 to 32 degrees Celsius.

#High #levels #rain #Sporades #Evia #Peloponnese



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