Folk omens and customs on Nut Spas, August 29, Magnitogorsk

August 29 marks the Third Savior. Its other names are Bread, Nut. What signs on this day foretell good luck and what should you buy to avoid quarrels in the family? Read the details in the material “MR-info”.

The Third Savior completes the series of August Saviors. In Orthodoxy, this is the feast of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It was established in honor of the transfer of the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople.

The miraculous image of Christ is depicted on a towel or clay board. According to legend, the face of Jesus first appeared on the cloth after he washed his face and wiped it with it.

This towel was given to the ruler of Edessa, who suffered from severe leprosy. Having applied the cloth with the imprinted face of Christ, the king was instantly healed. The grateful ruler ordered the Gospel to be preached among the people of Edessa.

In folk culture, the Third Savior has many names. The most famous are Nut Savior and Bread Savior. The holiday received the name Nut Savior due to the tradition of collecting nuts, which ripen at this time. It is called Bread Savior because by this time the harvest was usually finished and the peasants baked bread from the grain of the new harvest.

A solemn service is held in the church on the Third Savior, during which believers remember the miracle associated with the Image of Christ Not Made by Hands. On this day, it is customary to bless nuts, bread, ears of corn, expressing gratitude to God for these gifts of the earth.

After attending the service in the old days, a festive table was set at home, the main treat on which was honey with nuts, a freshly baked loaf of bread – as a symbol of prosperity and abundance.

In memory of the Savior Not Made by Hands, it is customary to give items made of linen. Also from this day, fairs began where canvases were sold. Hence another name – Canvas Savior. They say that whoever buys clothes made of natural fabric on Canvas Savior will have peace in the family for the whole year.

There were also beliefs associated with nuts. If you came across fused nuts, it was a good sign, promising good luck in business. It was also believed that the one who had a nut fall on his head would receive an unexpected influx of money.

It was believed that the first nut picked from a branch should be eaten by oneself in order to be healthy and strong all year. However, if the nut turned out to be rotten, it promised illness. A good ripe kernel – to well-being.

Also, healing infusions were prepared from the shells of young nuts. And on the Third Savior, they tried to steam themselves in the bathhouse with hazel brooms – so that health would increase, and no one would jinx it.

What not to do on August 29

On a church holiday, it is forbidden to quarrel and refuse to help those in need.

Anyone who is lazy on this day may bring misfortune upon themselves, while hard work promises good luck.

You shouldn’t treat bread badly, even stepping on a crumb that has fallen can bring trouble, superstitious people believe. The remains of bread on this day are not thrown away, but fed to animals or birds.

Folk omens for August 29

Rain with thunderstorms on Orekhovy Spas means early autumn. Warm weather means Indian summer is coming.

If cranes fly away on this day, then frosts will come by the Intercession.

Calm water on the river promises a calm, warm autumn, and waves promise an early and cold one.

Weather in Magnitogorsk on August 29

Thursday will be warm. The air temperature in the morning will be +15 degrees, during the day it will rise to +24.

The weather will be mostly sunny, but forecasters predict some cloudiness during the day. There is also a chance of light rain.

The wind will blow from the northwest. Its speed is 3-5 m/s.

Air humidity during the day is 41%. Atmospheric pressure is 727 mm Hg.

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Photo by Dinara VORONTSOVA

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