The hummus investigation of “Chalbotek” returns

This was one of the investigations that became a milestone in consumer journalism in Israel. In 1988, Rafi Ginat and the “Chalbotek” system went out in collaboration with the Israeli Consumer Council and checked what is hidden inside one of the things that Israelis take most seriously: their portion of hummus. The basis for the test was a malicious and false rumor that spread from mouth to mouth throughout Israel, one that brought up the idea of ​​testing the most famous dishes. And no, it would not be an exaggeration to describe what is on the table of the popular restaurants in Israel as “a veritable earthquake”.

The test results showed that in some cases there is mold and bacteria in an amount that exceeds by thousands of percent what is allowed. “Unfit for human consumption”, is determined in the most extreme cases. The findings of the investigation provoked a public response and introduced “Coliforms” into the Israeli lexicon, those faecal bacteria that have become synonymous with combine and serious health defects in the food we consume.

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36 years later, “Chalbotek” came out with an up-to-date investigation for the year 2024, entered the laboratory and discovered what we (still) don’t see that is served to us on the plate alongside warm pita and pickles. The restaurants are new, the hummus is upgraded – but the sad truth is that the coliforms are still here, and they are not alone at all.

On one day last month, three servings of fresh hummus were purchased from ten leading and famous hummus shops from around the country, which were kept under optimal conditions and transferred to the “Aminolab” laboratory, which has been testing food for more than 30 years. It is worth emphasizing that the test findings are relevant to hummus that was prepared on the day and at the branch from which it was purchased.

The device for a single gram of hummus allows up to a million bacteria in general count, up to 1,000 coliforms, up to 100 yeasts and no faecal sounds. The results are not particularly encouraging, and you can see for yourself when out of all the hummus that was tested, only one was found in Sodom, another one that was close to it, but the rest of the hummus kingdoms that call themselves crowns of quality and freshness simply messed up.

Hummus Eliyahu, Rabbi Nissenbaum 37 Bat Yam

Although this is a young chain only 15 years old, it is also the largest with 80 branches in Israel and three more around the world. The findings established compliance with the standard in all the dimensions tested, this is excellent chickpeas according to the system test.

Test results: excellent.

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Ashkara, Yeremiahu 45 in Tel Aviv-Yafo

One of the best-known and oldest hummus joints in the Old North neighborhood in Tel Aviv-Yafo, as it has been operating for over four decades and attracts diverse populations. The “Chalbotek” test found that in most of the indicators the hummus is suitable, with the exception of an exception in the amount of yeast.

Test results: fetus.

Hummus’s response: “We thank you for the inspection, and in view of the findings we will examine the issue and make sure to fix and improve. We have been preparing the hummus several times a day for four decades, with love and pride.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Ali Caravan, Tribes of Israel 17 in Tel Aviv-Yafo

A pilgrimage center for hummus lovers from all over the country, which is better known as “Abu Hassan”. The 55-year-old Humusia has three branches in the area and is considered the queen when it comes to grain food. The findings of the “Chalbotek” investigation found a dramatic abnormality in the amount of yeast.

Test results: The hummus is not fresh.

Hummus Abu Hassan’s response: “There are no health concerns in the tested dishes and the issue of the amount of yeast is eliminated by you. Our hummus has been served to many Israelis for many years. It is healthy, safe, hygienic, subject to scrutiny and supervision, and we completely deny the findings of the ‘rating investigation’ you conducted.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Abu Sohail, Salah a Din 14, Acre

During the inspection of the investigative program system, evidence of fecal coliform bacteria was found, which, as mentioned, should not be found in food. “E. coli bacteria is a sign of fecal infection,” explained Dr. Helena Ashkenazi, director of the microbiology laboratory at “Aminolab”. 125 fecal coliform bacteria were found in Abu Sohail’s hummus per gram serving.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Abu Sohail’s response: “We were amazed by the results of the laboratory test. We will check the findings that came up and deal with them if necessary, as long as it is found to be real and immediately. We adhere to quality and food safety procedures in the strictest way.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Said, the popular market in the old city of Acre

Contaminated findings were also found in another old and well-known institution in the city. Thus, the test revealed that in a gram serving of hummus there are 585 yeast bacteria and 240 faecal coliform bacteria.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Said’s response: “The responsibility for the quality of the hummus ends when it is sold to the customer and leaves the restaurant. We prepare the hummus under sterile conditions and the customers receive fresh hummus within a short period of time from the moment of its production. This is how we acted in the past and this is how we will act in the future.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Caspi, Yael Rom 8 in Petah Tikva

Similar to Hummus Eliyahu, chef Yaniv Caspi’s chain is also relatively young. It was established 13 years ago and has five branches. In the “Chalbotek” test, there were abnormalities in the amount of coliforms with 1,600 when the standard allows for 1,000, along with hundreds of percent abnormalities in the yeast bacteria and the fecal coliform bacteria.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Caspi’s response: “We were surprised to receive the findings of your examination. We are learning and improving. We will examine and investigate the findings, and we will make sure that such cases do not return.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus in Hadons, Bialik 138 in Ramat Gan

One of the most successful hummus chains in Israel with 20 branches in Israel and abroad. It all started decades ago at the branch in Ramat Gan, from which the three batches of hummus for the current test were purchased. The test revealed an abnormality in the amount of coliforms and yeast, and particularly highlighted the amount of 815 fecal coliforms per gram of hummus.

Test results: Inedible.

The reaction of hummus in Haduns: “We will be happy to derive insights from Kalbotek’s findings in order to continue providing our customers with the beloved and well-known hummus.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Abu Maron, Kibbutz Galyot 1 in Haifa

The journey continued in Haifa, but even there the results were not positive at all. In the hummus known and loved by the residents of the north, abnormalities were found in hundreds of percent in the amount of yeast bacteria that damage the freshness of the food. In addition, it emerged that fecal coliform bacteria are present in large quantities in hummus.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Abu Maron’s response: “No response”.

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Abu Shaker, defenders 29 in Haifa

Even in another well-known restaurant in Haifa, there were no findings that could be too encouraging. 2,400 coliform bacteria were found in Abu Shaker’s hummus when the standard allows up to 1,000. In addition, nearly 800 faecal E. coli bacteria were found that are dangerous to health.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Abu Shaker’s response: “Immediately upon receiving Calbotek’s findings, we hired a food technologist and he determined that the source of the one-time problem was the parsley. The consultant recommended that we stop buying it at the place that sold it to us, and that’s what we did immediately. We do and will do everything so that our hummus is the freshest and healthiest.”

Photo: from “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12

Hummus Khalil, Community Detroit 6 in Ramla

This is one of the most popular hummus in the center, and some claim even in Israel as a whole. And yet, the hummus sold in the restaurant was found by “Chalbotek” to be unfit for consumption. The striking and dramatic data discovered in the test revealed that there are 23,000 yeast bacteria per gram of a serving, alongside 1,100 faecal coliform bacteria.

Test results: Inedible.

Hummus Khalil’s response: “A malfunction was found in the refrigerator in which the hummus was stored. The malfunction was repaired and the refrigerator was replaced. We are considering the purchase of advanced and expensive equipment that monitors the activity of the refrigerator at all hours of the day. We take food quality and our customers seriously and responsibly for 50 years.”

Photo: From “Chalbotek”, Keshet 12 Did you find a language error?



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