The government machine is working intensively, there is no reform fatigue 2024-08-31 05:05:08

If someone expects that within an “x” period of time, a country emerging from bankruptcy, will suddenly not have the pathologies it has, suddenly within four years everything will have transformed, then this is an expectation that will not be fulfilled . Because it is unrealistic to fulfill and no one will ever be able to fulfill it. What we need to see is if steps are being taken so that this country improves”, he asked first.

And, he then cited data, including that Greece is “the country that has the largest increase in industrial production in the entire European Union. Its economy is growing faster than the entire EU. The government took unemployment to 20% and brought it below 10%.”

Changing the context, on the occasion of a survey of public opinion that saw the light of day on Tuesday, he proposed to look at all the polls of the period together and “take them into account”. Of course, the government is concerned about the low percentage given to ND by this poll, he acknowledged, however, he added, the same measurement shows that since the fall of the government, no opposition party has risen.

The issue of security was the next issue, where the Minister of State recalled that “we have made four interventions in the Criminal Code. We got a Penal Code, which was the most … relaxed and lenient Code that could exist.” On the occasion of today’s meeting of the Council of Ministers, he pointed out that “now we will legislate again for the effective treatment of domestic violence”, while referring to measures such as the panic button, shelters for abused people, etc.

Also, “was the situation the same in 2019 in terms of occupancy and is it the same now? is the lawlessness in universities the same?”, he asked himself and answered: “Since we had systematic occupations and violence, at the moment these incidents are an exception, they are sporadic”. While at a later point he underlined the different criminal treatment that anti-social behaviors now have, for example those related to the protection of the environment.

Regarding the central direction of the country with the current government, “sometimes this technocratic side of management seems to be purely technical. It is deeply moral and ideological, and it comes in obvious contrast to things that have been done in the past, which were also deeply ideological and political,” he noted.

While, responding to the criticism of reform fatigue, he countered that “the government machine is working intensively and what they say is reform fatigue, in this first year of the second four-year period both big and too many small ones have happened…”.

On the occasion of a recent publication by Politico, about the part of the Tempe tragedy in particular, he asked himself that, “when someone dismisses me for a cover-up, did I do something to prevent the process from going forward?, did I obstruct the investigator?, where is the cover-up?” . As for the Pylos shipwreck with many dead, he said that the government’s job is to have a clean investigation, without interventions and institutional obstacles.

Regarding telephone monitoring, M. Voridis made, among other things, the following comment: “If we want an intelligence service that will never produce any results because we will have piled 15 security measures on top of it, maybe it is not doing something right , the answer is, ‘very good, we don’t need an intelligence service'”. Referring to the international experience, he observed that everywhere, throughout the world, there is a double control: “the political control exercised by the government that is not democratically elected”, but also “the judicial control, and with our own government we set a double net”. Asked, on the other hand, about the Citizen’s Advocate Andreas Pottakis, after noticing that at some point the government will deal with the specific position, since the term of the current Advocate has ended, he nevertheless wondered that “if we didn’t like Mr. Pottakis who was appointed on SYRIZA, why didn’t we hurry, two years ago, to change him?” Finally, he recalled the Report of the European Commission as well as that of the OECD on the Rule of Law.

Attack against N. Pappas

Finally, the attack of Makis Voridis against the newly elected president of the Parliamentary Group of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance, Nikos Pappas, was fierce. With the blessings of the new leader of the official opposition, as he said, he was elected on Tuesday as head of K.O. of SYRIZA, the only member of parliament who “has been convicted of dereliction of duty”, for attempting to manipulate the independent media. According to the Minister of State, “this man has not just been dismissed, but is the leader of K.O. of SYRIZA. And these people talk about a problem with the Rule of Law in Greece”, he commented.

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#government #machine #working #intensively #reform #fatigue



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