Newsletter of August 30, 2024
A new treatment model for chronic headaches, the leading neurological cause of disability, is coming from experts
A new treatment model for chronic headaches, the leading neurological cause of disability, is coming from experts
Arcugnano– A short hospital stay, between seven and ten days, to eliminate dependence on analgesics and establish a real prophylaxis for migraine: in 70% of cases it leads to chronic migraine becoming episodic, providing a concrete opportunity to improve the quality of life for patients. This is the approach proposed by the Villa Margherita Headache Center – Kos Group, recently recognized by Anircef – Italian Neurological Association for Research on Chronic Headaches as a national reference center. Migraine, after stroke, is the first neurological cause of disability. Its impact is very significant both in social and economic terms with an average annual cost of 2,600 euros per patient and with 5% losing more than 5 working days per month. Migraine affects over 12% of the general population but approximately 3% of migraine sufferers develop chronic migraine, meaning they experience more than 15 monthly episodes of throbbing pain in the middle of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and strong sensitivity to light, noise and smells.
The Campania guarantor for people with disabilities calls for a law that recognizes the role and rights of caregivers
The Campania guarantor for people with disabilities calls for a law that recognizes the role and rights of caregivers
Naples – “We need a national law that finally recognizes rights, protections and resources for about eight and a half million people, because today there is a very fragmented situation with some Regions that have issued regulations that are not always homogeneous”. This was stated in a note by the Campania Regional Guarantor for people with disabilities, Paolo Colombo. “A survey carried out by Cittadinanzattiva last year shows, for example, that over half of caregivers have been forced to abandon their studies or reduce their working hours: an almost obvious consequence if you consider that more than two out of three (34.7%) dedicate more than 20 hours a week to caring for their family member. There are some fixed points that must certainly be kept in mind in the law to be enacted: in line with the broad definition of family caregiver, cohabitation must not represent a constraint for the recognition of the figure and rights of the same. If the recognition of the role of caregivers were to be limited to cohabitants only, the many people – children, sisters/brothers, nephews and nieces, friends – who actually care for their loved ones would be excluded; to alleviate the “burden” of those who provide care, the role of caregiver could be recognized to more than one person for the same family member, as long as the main caregiver is identified; in the definition of a state law, particular attention is recommended to the introduction and recognition of specific rights for young and very young caregivers. In addition to those already foreseen (such as the right to attend university courses remotely), the addition of new rights is proposed, such as the attribution of training credits for those who carry out this “care” role or the validation of the family caregiving role for the purposes of recognition of civil service.
Clinic for children with congenital defects of the immune system inaugurated at Meyer
“Stanza Ricca” inaugurated at Meyer, a clinic for children with congenital defects of the immune system
Florence – It’s called ‘Stanza Ricca’. It’s a space, completely furnished to suit children, inaugurated at Meyer. Inside there is everything necessary for visits, but also lots of colors: this is how Riccardo would have wanted it, a small patient with a very rare form of congenital immunodeficiency, who throughout his life was followed by the specialists of Immunology at the Aou Meyer Irccs. Two years ago Riccardo passed away, but his parents, mother Francesca and father Simone, decided to carry on a project in his name in collaboration with the Meyer Foundation. Riccardo’s illness was very serious, but he was able to face it with strength and with a contagious joy. “For this reason – the doctors who treated him recalled – we thought that this will not be ‘Riccardo’s Room’, but the ‘Stanza Ricca’, to remember who Riccardo was and the wealth he gave to all of us”. “Through our adventure at Meyer,” the parents explain, “we would like to help the Immunology department provide increasingly timely responses to young patients and improve the hospital stay of children with immunodeficiencies and their families.” “The Ricca room,” the Immunology doctors explain, “is a project that was born to make a space of isolation magical and spirited, where children born with an immune system defect can experience the treatment by breathing in Riccardo’s energy, an extraordinary wealth. Through this space we want to keep him with us, for us, but also for all the children present and future inhabitants of this space dedicated to him.” The walls of the room are decorated with savannah animals, Riccardo’s great passion.
Sinpia is preparing for its 30th congress in Verona from 18 to 21 September. Neurodevelopmental disorders at the centre
Sinpia is preparing for its 30th congress in Verona from 18 to 21 September. Neurodevelopmental disorders at the centre
Verona – The countdown has begun for the 30th National Congress of the Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry (Sinpia), which will be held in Verona from 18 to 21 September 2024. The Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry is a Scientific Association whose aim is to develop research and promote cultural updating in the field of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological, neuropsychological and/or psychiatric pathologies of childhood and adolescence (from 0 to 18 years) and of all child development disorders in its various lines of expression (psychomotor, linguistic, cognitive, intellectual, relational).