Index – Domestic – Tamás Menczer and Ágnes Vadai got into trouble on the street

According to the communications director of Fidesz-KDNP, even Ferenc Gyurcsány, the president of the DK, did not dare to describe that the Óbuda mayor László Kiss (DK-LMP-Momentum-MSZP-Párbeszéd), who was arrested for the corruption case, is innocent, reports MTI.

On Monday, Tamás Menczer uploaded a video on his Facebook page about how he spoke with DK’s Ágnes Vadai, who held a press conference on the matter in front of the Fidesz headquarters in Lendvay Street.

Ágnes Vadai spoke at the press conference: a document proves that the conceptual procedure against László Kiss was requested from the “top circles of the Fideszes party-state”.

In the video, the Fidesz-KDNP communications director tells Ágnes Vadai that he read Ferenc Gyurcsány’s posts on the case, and that even the president of the DK did not dare to describe that László Kiss was innocent. Ágnes Vadai reacted to this by saying that Tamás Menczer “read it wrong”.

A huge corruption scandal rocked Óbuda

As Index also reported, László Kiss, the mayor of Óbuda DK, was recently detained after a house search. The Central Investigative Prosecutor’s Office has confirmed that it is the corruption case in Óbuda, in connection with which Gergő Czeglédy, deputy mayor of Óbuda, was previously detained.

Since then, László Kiss has been in pre-trial detention, however, his guilt can only be legally established by the court after the criminal proceedings have been conducted, so he can remain in office for years. According to some reports, another suspect involved in the corruption case was released from custody shortly before Kiss was taken into custody.

The defense lawyer of the mayor of Óbuda, Péter Zamecsnik, later announced that one of the suspects had entered into a plea deal in the district’s corruption scandal. According to press information, László Kiss was allowed to testify not only by his colleague, but also by his friend and former university friend.

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