Cases of terrorism and anti-Semitism. And Salis and Lucano defend the smugglers –

Christian Campigli

An emergency without end. The Italian left has a well-known problem of anti-Semitism. And if on the one hand criticism of the Netanyahu government has highlighted an antipathy towards the Jewish world that, often, has bordered on hatred, on the other hand the constant winking at Islam should not be forgotten. You don’t even have to go too far back in time to cite some episodes that will make your skin crawl. The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office has entered the pro-Palestinian writer, Cecilia Parodi, in the register of those under investigation for propaganda and incitement to crime for reasons of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination. The Milan public prosecutor, Leonardo Lesti, opened the case based on the complaint filed on July 19, 2024 by Senator Liliana Segre’s lawyer, in which the contents of a video circulated online were denounced, where Parodi openly said: “I hate all Jews, I hate all Israelis, from the first to the last, I hate all those who defend them”. The intellectual, as reported by our newspaper, has always been close to the rive gauche of Italian politics and participated in a conference last February. A kermesse organized by the youth of the Democratic Party and, subsequently, was also hosted at the event of June 30 Dialogues for Gaza as part of the Villa Ada Festival in Rome. “I hate you because you have ruined my life, my trust, my hope – added Cecilia Parodi -. Piazzale Loreto wouldn’t be enough, Piazzale Tienanmen would be needed. I swear I will be in the front row spitting on you”. The writer had also been denounced for incitement to racial hatred and murder by the honorary consul of Israel for Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy, Marco Carrai.

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The mayor of Civitavecchia, Mario Baccini, also had a terrible fall in style. In the Council, the elected officials were discussing a motion to display the Palestinian flag on the municipal building. Also present in the audience in the chamber was Mauro Gonnelli, known in the city for his pro-Palestinian positions, who waved the flag, interrupting the mayor’s speech and denouncing, in his opinion, a lack of courage on the part of the administration in supporting the Palestinian cause. When asked to remove the flag, he specified that it was a scarf. “If it’s a scarf, put it around your neck,” replied the President of the Chamber Roberto Severini. The mayor, not realizing that he had the microphone open, lost his temper and said: “Put the Palestinian flag up your ass.”

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Going back a bit to the recent past, it is impossible not to remember the acts of squadrismo in Italian faculties, in public universities where journalists such as David Parenzo, Maurizio Molinari and Daniele Capezzone were physically prevented from speaking. When in July the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella and the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni met with the Israeli President Isaac Herzoz in Rome, the left publicly cried scandal. The fact that there is a problem of security and terrorism linked to Islam, which the war in Gaza has heavily exacerbated, is demonstrated in all its evidence by the Solingen affair. Three people killed, eight others injured by the madness of a 26-year-old Syrian. Affiliated to ISIS. The umpteenth case of an illegal immigrant, who should have been expelled and who has destroyed the serenity of an entire community. And where there is a lost cause there are Lucano and Salis who went to prison to visit Maysson Majidi accused of being a trafficker.

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#Cases #terrorism #antiSemitism #Salis #Lucano #defend #smugglers #Tempo
2024-08-29 23:51:14



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