In the spotlight is Alexis Tsipras after a “civil war” in SYRIZA

Stefanos Kasselakis receives a “rain” of leadership challenges, while Alexis Tsipras is also at the center, in the shadow of the serious accusations that the current president leaves against him.

THE Stefanos Kasselakiswho “sees” him Alexis Tsipras behind his critics, he calls on the former president of the party to intervene so that his former colleagues resign from the State, with the aim of his own entry into the Parliament.

Today, Tuesday (27.08.24) in the afternoon, the Central Committee is having an extraordinary meeting, which is expected to be particularly “hot” in the midst of rapid developments. It is currently unknown if Stefanos Kasselakis will attend, reports suggest that he will be online as he is in Chania preparing for his wedding to Tyle Macbeth.

Awaiting the stance that Mr. Kasselakis, executives and MPs will take today SYRIZA they comment on the latest stormy developments as well as the scenarios that Alexis Tsipras is behind the “civil war” in SYRIZA and Mr. Kasselakis’ critics.

Speaking today at Open, the party’s MP Petros Pappas sided with Stefanos Kasselakis, while also criticizing the attitude of the former president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras.

He emphasized that Alexis Tsipras and those who followed him received a resounding “slap” at the party conference, while he launched a fierce attack on the members of the Central Committee.

At the same time, he argued that at the last conference the base of SYRIZA sent a message to those who question Stefanos Kasselakis, while he emphasized that those who continue to do so should leave.

“Alexis Tsipras and those who followed him collected money”

“The questioning of Stefanos Kasselakis started from the first day he took over SYRIZA. A group of the party ignored his election decision and received a lot of backlash from the grassroots. Among them, Alexis Tsipras and those who followed him. The same group of executives continues to cause problems for SYRIZA. They didn’t let Stefanos Kasselakis act in the first months and they said that he is not suitable for president”, he said.

On the question of whether elections should be held, he said: “Since the president is in question, they must be held. But all those who question him should make an alternative proposal.”

“I would like to hear Tsipras’ voice louder”

At the same time, Rania Thraskia speaking to SKAI stressed about the comments that want Mr. Tsipras to be the instigator of the explosive situation in Koumundourou, “I cannot see him as an instigator of bad things, the historical leader of SYRIZA cannot have a dark role”, while pointing out that at this time “he would like to hear the voice louder”.

At the same time, according to newsit, Giorgos Vassiliadis, speaking to Action24, admitted the clear leadership problem and emphasized that he would not support Pavlos Polakis for president.

“The world laughs when we discover Tsipras as an “enemy”

“The leadership obviously has a problem and it obviously has a problem that cannot be achieved by communication within SYRIZA… We have issues of political functioning” said Mr. Vassiliadis and when asked if Stefanos Kasselakis should resign, he replied: “So I say that he has leadership problem.

How are these resolved? With clear political decisions, with clear political positions, let’s hear what the political plan is and there we will all be judged. It’s not about people. It’s a matter of politics. Whoever it is, if SYRIZA emits this “whatever” situation on most issues that concern Greek society, where one day it can say white and the next moment it can say black, then obviously SYRIZA cannot proceed.”

“It is not possible for one year continuously to have so many enemies within a party and finally to discover as an enemy the former president Alexis Tsipras. People are laughing here. A SYRIZA that does not have democratic functions, has appointed bodies… With the way things are going, I don’t know if I will even be interested in being a candidate for the next Central Committee” added Mr. Vassiliadis.

For him Pavlos Polakis and his possible candidacy for the presidency of the party, he said: “We disagree with Pavlos on many things politically. I deeply appreciate him as a person and as a scientist. Politically, we have big disagreements in the way of delivering the political speech. It doesn’t express me. I wouldn’t support him, but anyone can run for party president. The next day requires synthesis, the widest possible rallying of the progressive space. Can the leadership support this? It can’t be for me.”

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#spotlight #Alexis #Tsipras #civil #war #SYRIZA



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