Weather, when are the storms coming? Sottocorona warns about the “white spot” –

Is summer coming to an end? The first changes in the scenario can be seen on the horizon. “This white patch of intense clouds indicates the movement of precipitation, even of a certain consistency”, began Paolo Sottocorona, who returned to broadcast the latest weather forecasts live from the Omnibus studio, pointing to the map. What does it mean? What should we expect? Today we must expect “an isolated area of ​​even intense phenomena throughout the North-West. It should not reach Friuli Venezia Giulia, but something is happening in the Alpine and pre-Alpine areas as well as in the plains”. The reason is to be found in an “infiltration of unstable air that is activated especially in the afternoon”, he explained.

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In the Center and South, as has been happening for days now, there is no big news, but in the afternoon between Sicily and Calabria there is a sign of “some showers or storms”. This is a taste of what will happen tomorrow. “This instability will be very present in the internal areas of the Center and on the Tyrrhenian side. A lot in Sicily and Calabria with intense phenomena, which form on the spot”, continued the expert. On Wednesday, more phenomena in the internal areas of the Center. “Little or nothing in the North”, he specified. In the South, however, “something is arriving”. As for the minimum temperatures, they are “stationary”, reiterated the meteorologist.

#Weather #storms #coming #Sottocorona #warns #white #spot #Tempo
2024-08-28 17:26:06



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