This year, Gábor Reviczky received the István Bujtor Lifetime Achievement Award at the film festival held in Keszthely » Múltkor historical magazine » News

August 26, 2024 11:20 am MTI

Actor Gábor Reviczky received the István Bujtor Lifetime Achievement Award at the film festival named after the late actor-director in Keszthely on Sunday.

Gábor Reviczky (Source: MTI/ Csilla Cseke)

Festival director Imre Lutter said at the award ceremony: 117 domestic works were entered for the Bujtor István Film Festival, held for the first time this year in the town on the Lake Balaton, of which 84 were included in the competition program, and 64 were screened on site. During the four days, there were more than 10,000 visitors to the film festival and its accompanying programs.

Mayor Jenő Manninger spoke about the fact that it is very important for the city that this festival moved here, thanks to which the cultural life of Keszthely became much richer.

In addition to the director of the jury, film director Gábor Ferenczi, actor Natasa Stork, director Imre Lutter, director Alfréd Wiegmann and director József Kalász judged the nominated works.

In addition to the Lifetime Achievement Award, rock musician and composer Károly Frenreisz presented the István Bujtor Award on behalf of the family. This recognition was won by the documentaries My Back Story and The Decision, the short film The Sunday Kidnapping, and the feature film Six Weeks.

Róbert Koltai and Ferenc Elek were chosen as the best lead actors in the short and feature film competition for their performance in the film Meghni täyä tud. Katalin Takács received the award for the best female episodic actress for her role in the film The Visit of Francis.

Other acting prizes were also awarded, so Emőke Zsigmond, József Szarvas and Franciska Törőcsik were also awarded, but singer Adél Csobot was also awarded for her performance in Cicaverzum.

The award for best short film director went to Claudia Benkő and Zsolt Magyari for the work 1939, and the best short film was Sunday Kidnapping.

The prize for the best animated film was awarded to the four souls of the Kojot, and among the documentaries, the work entitled Aki zaszte az timt – Ágnes Keleti was awarded. Lőrinc Pusztai won the best director in the category of documentary and poetry films with his poetry film Anna örök.

The special award of the Hungarian Hollywood Council was awarded to the film Cicaverzum, Memento Mori – The Legend of Vác, and The Singer. The creators of Cicaverzum and the documentary My Back Story can travel to the Hungarian Film Festival in Los Angeles as competition filmmakers based on the jury’s decision.

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