Small plane crashed in Vorarlberg: Search for aircraft called off

There was still no trace of the passenger cell; according to the police, the crash site is believed to be in very steep terrain. The plane had presumably taken off from Genoa and was on its way to Straubing (Bavaria); there was apparently one person on board.

Thick fog made search and rescue operations in high alpine terrain difficult all day long. Helicopters could not take off. Around 200 people from mountain rescue, fire service, Red Cross and police were involved in the search for the crashed small aircraft.

Individual wreckage found

Several people in the affected area heard an airplane shortly after 10:00 am and heard a loud bang shortly afterwards. Assuming a Crash The large-scale search operation was launched. However, the teams have so far only found individual pieces of wreckage; the actual crash site with the passenger cell has not yet been located. The plane crashed in the area of ​​the Untere Brüggele Alpe and thus in high alpine terrain.

Localization: The machine crashed in the area of ​​the Untere Brüggele Alpe.

This article was last updated at 19:22.



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