They denounced the arrest of student leader Luis Yaguarate

  • So far, details are unknown about the arrest of the university counselor of the University of Carabobo

The student movement reported on August 26 the arrest of Luis Jaguaratewho is a university counselor at the University of Carabobo (UC). According to the organization Defiende Venezuela, the incident occurred after unidentified officers dressed in black raided his home, located in the municipality of Guacara. The charges against him are unknown at this time.

“Maduro continues to persecute those of us who think differently, seeking to impose force over the truth expressed on July 28 through the vote,” wrote the deputy president of the Federation of University Centers of the Central University of Venezuela (FCU-UCV), Yonnathan Carrillo, on his X account (formerly Twitter).

The 33-year-old leader is a student of Education, majoring in Mathematics, and has served as a university counselor since 2018. In addition, he is a member of the regional team of the Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) party in the state of Carabobo.

Second arrest

Luis Yaguarate. Photo: Jose Daniel Ramos @danielj2511

This would be the second time that Yaguarate has been arrested for political reasons. In June 2019, a group of pro-government students stormed the FCU headquarters at the Ciudad Universitaria de Bárbula. This occurred in a context of tension and clashes at the UC following the results of the student elections, in which opposition candidate Marlon Díaz emerged as the winner.

After several days with the FCU offices occupied by the government, the university authorities, together with a group of student leaders among whom was Yaguarate, managed to evict them from the building after some fights. A day later, Yaguarate was summoned to testify about what happened before the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC).

He was released on June 14 after several hours in detention. That same night he posted a message on his social networks challenging the governor of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava, and pointing him out as responsible for both his summons and the violence at the UC. This led to his arrest by the Cicpc the next day, and this time he remained in detention for three weeks.


Driver beaten for allegedly trying to abuse a student at the University of Carabobo
Photo: courtesy

On August 18, Marlon Díaz, who is now a councilman for the Naguanagua municipality, reported that he has been harassed by alleged officials of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin). He said that on that day his family found an envelope in the parking lot of his house with a threat against him, as well as personal information. He also added that patrol cars without license plates passed by his neighborhood at least three times a day, sometimes taking photos of his residence.

“I am making this video to demand that whoever ordered these attacks stop immediately. I have never been, am not and will never be involved in any plan of violence,” he warned.

On August 5, Díaz had requested on behalf of the FCU the release of students Giovanny Alberto Saab and Henry Alfonso Santeliz, as well as the hundreds of young people detained in Carabobo in the context of post-election protests.

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#denounced #arrest #student #leader #Luis #Yaguarate
2024-08-27 02:42:19



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