Venezuela: clarifying the results of 7/28 is the healthiest thing to do | By: Luis A. Villarreal P.

Luis A. Villarreal P.

Everything that has just happened was assumed: the ‘result’ of the Presidential Elections already made official by the TSJ. Nobody was surprised, because the official winners had already expressed cardinally and with sufficient advance notice the extreme conviction of a win-win; that is, they were certain of a victory at hand.

Meanwhile, the opposition sector was not concerned about the results but about its logistics and the official reaction; disregarding simple premonitions, it was always very clear about the difficult and titanic task that awaited them. That of continuing to fight with the cross on their shoulders, possibly towards an ordeal whose term could extend until January 10, 2025 or beyond, where they could face crucifixion or the opposite.

The desire to make Venezuela sincere seems to be unwavering if the reason and dignity of the citizens prevail, magnetizing the collective spirituality, unsatisfied and irreducible, even more; and only in the understanding of having the tangible and pure truth at its side.

To be frank, and this raises doubts for everyone – winners or losers – with the CNE-TSJ castling of powers and the official verdict we feel inconclusive, without any cadence. Said prosaically and eloquently: all of us – I insist, those who supported their respective candidates, abstentionists or simply observers – have the feeling of having been shorn by not explicitly knowing the basis for the controversial result.

And how to hide this earthly discontent, this reticence radiating into the spiritual?

From the perspective of citizenship, one cannot turn a blind eye, deaf ears or extreme indolence; therefore, one must continue to search for the Truth, and that should not offend or obfuscate, much less justify reactions of accusation or harassment, on the one hand; and neither acts of hatred and violence, on the other.

Between contenders, bitter attitudes must be avoided at all costs because they could lead to irrational confrontation; offensive language is a challenge, precisely a breeding ground for the corrosive hatred of Peace. This peace is apparently easy to destroy but perhaps very difficult to restore without leaving the aftermath of revenge among Venezuelans; we are then forced to control our individual character even if we feel the thorn of pain and impotence.

Even in the midst of discomfort and suffering, and the risk of being maliciously misunderstood, continuing to participate, always with due respect and a peaceful attitude, is the formidable option at hand in this super asymmetrical struggle, with which we also exalt the patriotic duty of our people, full of civility.

The fight continues in peace

PWe continue hitting the mark

until the weighting imposes

finally sanity.

From outside they deplore

the serious situation that still endures

the upright Venezuela;

Miranda, Bolivar, and so many others

heroes faithful to her.

There is peace, I also repair

social due to incomplete results.

Y why don’t they please

to the People when they ask for details

of their constituents?

He wants them to corroborate

according to the rules and without omissions

—well specified—

the ‘official’ data. Which is not much

ask. On the contrary!

would untie the knot

benefiting the government in power.


We also assume that this is concise and clear. It is seen in the attitude of the overwhelming majority of the Land of Grace and in global solidarity, regardless of ideological affinity or political cronyism. The misfortune of nations is always perceived and lamented by that human wonder underlying the collective cosmic consciousness, capable of being overwhelmed and reacting with true impetus, becoming transcendent on the path of good as a guarantee of life with a truly transcendent purpose.

The chapter on the Presidential Elections has not been closed; because: voices, rumors and murmurs, it is not known how long they will continue to be a hubbub, when dealing with a matter of national relevance such as sovereignty, whose temple is the people themselves.

There seems to be no respite amid the patient calm; directly or indirectly, the electoral issue continues to be the main topic. From the official sector, the commentary on the so-called mega elections for governors, mayors, legislators and deputies to the National Assembly is amplified.

It is very interesting to believe in the renewal of such authorities, but it would be even more so if Venezuela really came out on top with all these processes, vindicated in its social and re-institutionalization requirements.

The specific question – not a tricky one – could be: is it appropriate, given the current circumstances, to talk about the next electoral process? Or is it simply an attempt to draw attention to other aspirations and commitments in order to forget about that which is not convenient to remember and much less to persist in.

We continue to wait, trusting in the initiative and good sense of those who directly depend on the solution to this problem, which is as widespread as it is traumatizing. In the various sectors of power – national and international – there is much to give in the area of ​​mediation, negotiation and guarantees. Hopefully, intelligence, consideration and, why not, nobility for Venezuela will prevail.

The Diario de Los Andes does not assume any responsibility for the ideas and opinions expressed in this opinion article. The author is solely responsible for his views.

#Venezuela #clarifying #results #healthiest #Luis #Villarreal
2024-08-27 02:24:19



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