Key points of Governor Andrés Julián Rendón’s speech

Governor Andrés Julian Rendón said that he governs for 7 million people of Antioquia, not for criminals. Photo: TA News

To inform all Antioquians about the details of the meeting he had with President Gustavo Petro, in the middle of the meeting of the National Federation of Departments held last week at the Casa de Nariño, Governor Andrés Julián Rendón made a speech on our channel Teleantiochia.

One of the topics he touched on was the perceived abandonment by the National Government of strategic road infrastructure projects for the region, Among these are the 4G routes and the Route to the Sea.

He assured that in said meeting he reiterated to Petro that 4G roads are not for the rich and wealthy of the department, As the national leader maintains and that, If that were the case, that should not be a reason for discussion, “because they are from Antioquia, they pay taxes and contribute to the development of the country.”

He also reminded him that the entrepreneurs of Antioquia contribute more than he thinks to the development of the region. Proof of this, he said, is that the construction of Phase 2 of the Oriente Tunnel will be carried out exclusively with resources from the private sector.

The way to the sea

Facing the Via al Mar and the Toyo Tunnel, he assured that, while The sections that are the responsibility of Antioquia and Medellín have advanced by 94 percent, Those in charge of the nation only have a 54 percent execution rate.

What worries Governor Rendón most is that 650 billion pesos are required to finish the sections in charge of the Nation and today it is unknown if those resources will reach Antioquia, “which could turn the work, the pride of Colombia, into a ‘white elephant’.”

“President Petro, from Antioquia we are not asking you for money, What we are asking for is that you legally enable us to finish them (…) From this land We can finish the Antioquia and Colombia Sea Route”said.

‘The ceasefire is a slap in the face’

Regarding the security problems that the department is experiencing due to illegal groups that, taking advantage of the National Government’s Total Peace policy, have relocated and strengthened themselves in some subregions of Antioquia, Rendón said that it is like “a trip to the past.”

“The ceasefire with the three criminal structures that commit crimes in this department is a slap in the face for the people of Antioquia,” he added, while expressing that peace is built with security, justice and social opportunities. From the government of Antioquia we will not compromise with criminals.”

2024-08-27 01:14:21
#Key #points #Governor #Andrés #Julián #Rendóns #speech



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