How to remove humidity with air conditioning; this button is the key

In hot weather, the air-conditioning It is usually a great tool for mitigate high temperatures and the humid environment there is, however, this is a device that has many more functions than just cooling your home, your room or office. For that reason, here we tell you How to remove humidity with air conditioning and what you must do to achieve it.

In Yucatan and other places in Mexico, the heat is accompanied by a lot of humidity and that makes this time of year more annoying and uncomfortable, especially for those who are not used to this type of climate, so this advice can be very useful.

Read here: How to remove moisture from the house? Quick and easy tricks

How to remove humidity with air conditioning?

Control of the air-conditioning has a button called “Dry” which is also known as dehumidifierwhich, as its name suggests, helps eliminate humidity from the house and your spaces.

It is well known that humidity In addition to causing allergies, it can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma, infections and discomfort related to bone diseases, so activating this button can help reduce these negative effects.

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When you activate the dehumidifier or “Dry” with the air conditioning, the ventilation speed decreases to cool and obtain remove moisture of the environment.

Although this mode works as a dehumidifier, it also helps maintain a fresh environment anywhere, because even though it will not cool down as it would with the “Cool” mode, Yes you can lower the temperature and also eliminate moisture.

Why use the “Dry” button on the air conditioner?

Among the advantages of using the “dry” button on the air conditioner, In addition to removing moisture from the house, it helps to keep your walls and ceiling in good condition, The appearance of stains and mold is very common at this time, which also generates not only aesthetic problems but also health problems such as those mentioned above.

By activating this option you also get that the air you breathe is much cleaner and fresh, as well as eliminating the discomfort and annoyance of a hot and humid environment.

Other tips to remove humidity with air conditioning

  • Good maintenance: Make sure to clean and maintain this appliance properly. It is ideal to give it a deep cleaning every 3 to 6 months to prevent wear and malfunction.
  • Use it on humid days: The “Dry” function is especially useful on rainy or humid days, when the humidity in the air is higher.
  • Combine it with other functions: Remember to combine the “Dry” function with other modes and buttons to find a balance when using the air conditioner and thus get the most out of it.

Air conditioning: dry or cool mode? What are the differences?

All It depends on the weather and temperature. If the temperatures are very high outside and you want lower the temperature insideit is best to activate the “cool” way.

However, but if the temperature is calm outside and the humidity is very high inside, he modo “dry” It will be your best solution, because as we already mentioned, it helps to dehumidify, clean and cool the environment.

Remember that although the “dry” button on the air conditioner can remove moisture from the houseis not the same as a dehumidifier As such, if the humidity levels in your home are very high, you may need to consider purchasing an appliance that is solely dedicated to eliminating this sensation from the environment.

#remove #humidity #air #conditioning #button #key
2024-08-26 23:31:32



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