Anti-Zionist blacklists emerge, journalists and politicians targeted by the New PCI –

Christian Campigli

A blacklist. Horrible, one of those produced by authoritarian regimes to blacklist the “enemies of the system”. An authentic madness, in 2024, relaunched by a leaflet of the self-styled New Communist Party. On their website, an interminable list of politicians, journalists and entrepreneurs branded as “Zionist agents” was published. In the delirious post, one can read (the need to) “develop the denunciation and the fight against Zionist organizations and agents in Italy. The fight against Zionist organizations and agents operating in Italy is a fight both to support the resistance of the Palestinian people and to liberate our country from Italian and foreign imperialist groups and in particular from the US-NATO protectorate”.

Many, too many names are mentioned: John Elkann, Ester Mieli, Gabriele Albertini, Claudio Lotito, Sara Funaro. And then many journalists from Il Giornale: the director Alessandro Sallusti, Nicola Porro, Vittorio Feltri, Augusto Minzolini, Marcello Foa, Fiamma Nirenstein and Francesco Giubilei, Carlo De Benedetti, Leonardo Maria del Vecchio, Noemi Di Segni, Enrico Mentana, Aldo Cazzullo, Roberto Sergio, Paolo Mieli, Ferruccio De Bortoli, Mario Sechi, Giuliano Ferrara, David Parenzo and Giampiero Mughini.

“The Zionist entity is an integral part of the power system of the Papal Republic,” the neo-communists added. “It operates in our country both through its own companies inserted in the Italian financial and commercial fabric, and through trusted men (Jews and non-Jews) with top roles in the mass media, in the fields of education, medicine, scientific research, politics and institutions: below we give a list of some of these companies and agents.”

A delirium, which however should not be underestimated and which has led to numerous reactions. “This is a serious and unacceptable attack on freedom of thought and a worrying threat to the safety of the people involved,” wrote the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, on his Facebook page. It should not be forgotten that, in the last year, there have been numerous episodes of anti-Semitism disguised as support for the Palestinian cause. The climate of Jew-hunting seen in the squares was emblematic.

Without forgetting the groups that have physically prevented democratic debates within Italian universities. The Jewish Community of Rome expressed in a note “the firmest condemnation of the proscription list of alleged Zionist agents. We invite the political and cultural world to speak out in a clear, unequivocal and above all unanimous manner, because the very values ​​on which our democracy is founded are at stake.”

Marco Carrai, honorary consul of Israel for Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy, also spoke on the matter. “Being included in this list confirms the need for the battles that I have always fought and certainly this threat will not stop my work.” In the late afternoon, the position of the elected members of the Democratic Party also arrived. “We will present a question to the Chamber, the Senate and the European Parliament to ask for protection for the people involved and to be certain that the Ministry of the Interior is acting firmly to prosecute those responsible for that list.”

#AntiZionist #blacklists #emerge #journalists #politicians #targeted #PCI #Tempo
2024-08-26 22:00:16



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