Polakis vs. Kasselakis: Does the leadership of SYRIZA need a “specialized technocrat”?

Polakis vs. Kasselakis: Does the leadership of SYRIZA need a “specialized technocrat”?

Pavlos Polakis left new points for the president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, on the occasion of the case of Athena Linou.

Commenting on the internal investigation that will be done by SYRIZA for the case with the Athena Linou institute, Mr. Polakis on the one hand he attacks Mrs. Linou, on the other hand he fires arrows at Mr. Kasselakis.

“Does it take a ‘specialist technocrat’ to answer this question?” The leadership of SYRIZA, which prides itself on how strong it is in finance, cannot judge this?”, wrote the independent member of parliament from Chania.

At the same time, he again leaves hints about black money stating: “And a question for the “powerful in Finance”: What does this “overhead donation costs” mean? 474,360 euros!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? MAYBE SOMETHING TOO “BLACK”???? The word in Justice”.

The post of Pavlos Polakis:

BECAUSE IN MATTERS OF TRANSPARENCY AND ETHICS, I NEITHER FORGET NOR FORGIVE!! Ms. Linou: Take another midnight post that makes ashes and ashes of all your morning rants (photo 1) about the “legality” and “ethics” of your “philanthropic” activity! It is fascistic to not answer ANYTHING ABSOLUTELY SUBSTANTIAL for 20 days to what is attributed to you and to think that you will get away with it because you have high protection from the media and a “sacred” cover… SO COME ON: When will the Justice finally intervene for the millions of Direct Assignments to the Linos couple?

It has been 15 days since it became known what happened to the “Prelipsis Institute”, in which Mrs. Athina Linou was initially the President and then her husband, Mr. Dimitris Linos. In a few words, the Institute, which has the legal form of a “Municipal non-profit company”, had entered into successive annual Program Contracts with the Region of Central Greece from 2015 until today and supplied so-called “healthy meals” to certain schools, in return for a fee reached 1,000,000 euros a year. The total amount for the years from 2018 onwards amounts to 4,400,000 euros! See the Table below, which we note refers only to the specific activity of the “Prevention Institute” and not to its other transactions with the State (photo 3)

But behind these Programmatic Agreements lies the reality. Because, while the Program Contracts set the general framework for the organization of the various programs and are followed by Executive Contracts following open tenders for the selection of the Contractor, here we have the exact opposite. While, in other words, the Program Contracts may in no case be used to bypass the tender procedures for the selection of the Contractor of the Public Contracts, here we have a series of Program Contracts where the Contractor is specified, that is the “Prevention Institute” of the Linos family, and there is no competitive process! In fact, then, we have a series of Direct Assignments and not Programmatic Contracts!

And since some people don’t feel confident and want to hire “expert technocrats” to … find out what they should know (otherwise, what kind of ruling party is it if they don’t know the basics), let’s “open their eyes”, a and good: the Region of Central Greece itself, which is obliged to post the Contracts in the Central Electronic Register of Public Contracts (KIMDIS), characterizes them as “DIRECTLY ASSIGNED”!

In fact, it also uses article 118 of the Public Contracts Law, which refers to DIRECT ASSIGNMENTS. And the “Prelipsis Institute” is called “Contractor”! See the related photos at the end of the text. (photos 6-8) And if you are still hesitant, all you have to do is enter the KIMDIS website and type in the ADAM code of the Convention shown in the photos. And you will see again in the most official way “BY DIRECT ASSIGNMENT”. It’s that simple.

We remind you that the limit for “direct assignment” is only 30,000 euros per year plus VAT, a total of 37,200 euros. Anything above that limit is illegal! Remember Himara? I won’t dwell here on the political issue that arises, because it’s obvious. It is not possible for a member of parliament of a party that denounces the regime of direct assignments, as SYRIZA has done until now, to have herself taken the lead in a series of direct assignments and indeed in close cooperation with the Mitsotakis administration and environment. Full stop on this. Indeed, the most infuriating (or even humiliating) thing is that during the adoption of the relevant Decision of the Regional Council of Central Greece in 2018 (Decision no. 244/2018, ADA: 6GAB7LI-ZTHΦ) the suggestion was made by Themis Heimaras, the well-known ex-MP of New Democracy who we revealed in 2022 that he received direct assignments from the State, while he was a MP.

Well, this gentleman, who in 2018 was the Regional Councilor of Fthiotida in the administration under Kostas Bakoyannis, Commissioner for Entrepreneurship, Outsourcing, Regional Development Planning & European Programs, is the one who proposed the “Programme Contract” with the “Prevention Institute”. See below the excerpt from page 2 of the Decision. It is characteristic that the Proposal for a social issue is not made by the responsible deputy regional governor for social welfare, but by the representative for entrepreneurship. But this is probably reasonable, because it is probably about “intelligent entrepreneurship” that takes advantage of the difficult social situation to generate profits, as we will show below. (photo 4) How non-profit and transparent in its operation is the “Prevention Institute”?

On its website, the “Prevention Institute” has a separate section entitled “TRANSPARENCY”. See the related photo below: (photo 5) Really, what is there to comment on? That Cash Statement only exists for the year 2020? (which is probably also the ONLY PUBLISHED WITH A CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT’S REPORT IN THE 30 YEARS OF OPERATION OF THE NGO PROKIPSIS???) While for 2021 and 2022 there is only a Cash Budget? Or have they confused the Budget with the Report? Or is it that the 2020 Cash Statement and the Chartered Accountants’ Report for the same year do not match each other? What do these figures show: transparency or FULL OPACITY???

Does it take an “expert technocrat” to answer this question? The leadership of SYRIZA, which prides itself on how strong it is in finance, cannot judge this? But I will limit myself, for now, to highlighting something that I consider more essential. Let’s go to the 2022 Cash Budget (which might as well be an Account, especially judging by the relatively accurate figures used for expenses). See it below – and let’s not dwell on how sketchy and meaningless it is, whether it shows transparency or opacity. (photo 6)

What do we conclude at a glance? Firstly, that the “non-profit institute” already has accumulated profits (on a cash basis) of €282,500 by the end of 2021! Secondly, that in the year 2022 he will have an additional €154,040 in profits! It works for 2022 with a profit rate of 6.4%, an enviable rate even for companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. Turnover €2.4 million! And a question for the “financially savvy”: What does this “donation overhead” mean? 474,360 euros!! WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? IF SOMETHING TOO “BLACK”?????The reason in Justice The conclusions emerge effortlessly: Programmatic Contracts which the official body of the state calls “DIRECTLY OFFERED” and “non-profit company” but with not inconsiderable profits.

The Court of Audit, the Unified Authority for Public Contracts and the Financial Prosecutor must, without delay, so to speak, intervene for the defense of legitimacy and the protection of the Public Interest. IF THEY DON’T DO IT, WE WILL FIND IT!!! As far as we are concerned we will request through the parliamentary procedure that all documents be submitted, especially those concerning the receipt of services, the certificates of the school directors, etc. In one sentence, as the late Ilias Ilios used to say, “we will disturb your legality!”. .If necessary we will continue! UNTIL THE END!+5.

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#Polakis #Kasselakis #leadership #SYRIZA #specialized #technocrat



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