Naker Fest 2024 Provides 175 Thousand Job Vacancies from 200 Companies

Job seekers visit several booths of companies participating in the Naker Fest at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday (23/08). (Doc.MI)

The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) together with all employment stakeholders continues to synergize and collaborate to resolve the problem. mismatch between supply and demand the job market is still a homework that must be completed. One form of effort to overcome the mismatch is through “Naker Fest 2024”.

“This event is a strategic initiative in the context of reforming the governance of the Indonesian labor market and is one of the keys to achieving the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045, namely an Indonesian workforce that has skills and occupies middle-high level jobs to get out of the… middle income trap” said the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia (Menaker RI), Ida Fauziyah during her remarks at the 2024 Naker Fest event at Jiexpo, Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday (23/8).

Furthermore, Ida said that the theme chosen for the 2024 Naker Fest was “Accelerating Employment Transformation for Golden Indonesia 2045: Competence, Independence and Competitiveness”.

Naker Fest, continued Ida, functions as a large showcase that provides employment information and services, through collaboration between the Ministry of Manpower and various… stakeholder in the field of employment.

“This event is based on a shared intention, a collective commitment, as a unified workforce development ecosystem, to work together to face the problems of the workforce world,” he added.

The implementation of Naker Fest consists of at least 3 clusters of activities, the first is Naker Award. “This activity is a combination of almost all ceremonial events related to awards for employment stakeholders that were previously held separately,” he said.

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The awards that will be given in the Naker Award consist of eight categories, starting from the best company, companies/BUMN that employ disabled workers, companies that comply with Occupational Safety and Health (K3) and zero accident, companies that are committed to combating HIV/AIDS, companies that are active in providing services and protection for migrant workers, and regional heads who are committed to developing employment.

“All companies that received awards in each category are guaranteed not to carry out any layoffs (PHK) throughout 2024,” explained Ida.

The second activity, he continued, the Ministry of Manpower will hold a vocational festival which in essence provides information and awareness of the importance of continuously improving competency for Indonesian workers to face the needs of a dynamic labor market.

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“This festival was attended by vocational training institutions, both government, private, and community (BLK Community). In line with that, we also held job fair nationally which presents more than 175 thousand job vacancies from 200 companies, either directly at this location or online. online through the Karirhub Ready to Work service,” said Ida.

The third activity, in this Naker Fest, the Ministry of Manpower also held various Public Service Expos on Manpower such as SIAPKerja services and Kiosks, career consultation services, job counseling and guidance services, 1,000 free competency certification services, Job Loss Guarantee consultation services, free K3 and health check services, employment polytechnic information, to employment data and information services.

Vice President’s Appreciation
On the same occasion, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, appreciated the efforts to reform the governance of the labor market through the Job Creation Law.

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“By simplifying the licensing process and providing incentives for investment, the Job Creation Law will attract more domestic and foreign investment. This increase in investment is expected to open up more new business opportunities and expand existing businesses so that it can increase the demand for labor,” said the Vice President.

Not to forget, the Vice President also appreciated the Ministry of Manpower and all stakeholders who supported the implementation of the Naker Fest event. “I hope that Naker Fest 2024 will be a forum for interactive communication between the government and the community, especially for the young workforce, as well as a signal to potential investors of our commitment to reforming and improving the Indonesian labor market,” he said.

For information, this Naker Fest will last for three days starting from August 23-25, 2024 which will take place at JIEXPO Kemayoran Jakarta and will be attended by hundreds of companies, dozens of MSMEs and tens of thousands of visitors. (N-2)

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