Táchira | The Consul of Colombia in San Cristóbal said that Venezuelans in Cúcuta deserve better treatment as citizens

DLA.- Through a press release, the Consul of Colombia in San Cristóbal, Táchira state, David Haddad Clavijo, said “that Venezuelans who visit San José de Cúcuta deserve better treatment from citizens.”

The Colombian consul made the statement as a diplomatic consideration towards the organizations that exercise public responsibility functions in Norte Santander.

Clavijo referred to some Testimonies of Venezuelans who have experienced problems in the La Parada district and in Cúcuta, “they ask them for documents, vehicle insurance and other papers with intent to harass“, accurate.

He recalled that Colombian citizens can visit the city of San Cristóbal and other Venezuelan entities by simply presenting their Colombian identity card and vehicle ownership.

“The mayor of Cúcuta, Jorge Acevedo, and the governor of Táchira state, Freddy Bernal, have established brotherhood agreements between the two cities,” he said.

The diplomatic representative emphasized the citizen recognition that social, cultural and tourist interconnection brings, “it is important to strengthen the mobility of people at destination, origin, transit and return,” he added.

Twinning Agreement

David Haddad Clavijo referred to the Sister City Agreement that is expected to be signed in September 2024 by authorities from the governments of Colombia and Venezuela.

“This is a point that should be included in the considerations with equitable agreements. If the Venezuelan goes to Colombia, he should not be harassed and vice versa.

He said he welcomes the presence of Venezuelans in Colombia with the increase in trade volume for a development hub on the Táchira – Norte de Santander border.

He also mentioned the agreement between the mayor of the city of San Cristóbal and Governor Freddy Bernal, where Colombian citizens can enter Venezuela by paying a 30 thousand pesos insurance. “Colombia should also be balanced in terms of SOAT insurance, which should not be so expensive, at a million and something,” he said.


#Táchira #Consul #Colombia #San #Cristóbal #Venezuelans #Cúcuta #deserve #treatment #citizens
2024-08-25 22:53:27



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