The head of the Shin Bet criticized Ben Gabir’s conduct in a letter, the minister demanded that he be fired

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar warned in a letter he sent to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant about nationalist crime by Jews – this is what we published last night (Thursday) in the “Main Edition”. “The leaders of the phenomenon seek to bring the system to a loss of control. The damage to the State of Israel is indescribable,” Bar warned in a letter he sent last week. Following the publication, Ben Gabir demanded in the cabinet that the head of the Shin Bet be fired and left the discussion in anger.

“I am writing you this letter with pain, with great concern, as a Jew, as an Israeli, and as a security officer, about the increasing phenomenon of Jewish terrorism from the ‘Hill Youth,'” Bar wrote. He also sent the letter to Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, Minister of Education Yoav Kish, Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, Minister of the Interior Moshe Arbel, Minister of Religious Services Michael Malchiali and Legal Adviser to the Government Gali Beharev-Miara.

The letter of the head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar “Progress in the direction will lead to bloodshed”

“The ‘Hill Youth’ phenomenon has long since become a widespread hotbed of violent activity against Palestinians,” Bar added. “I have never connected to the concept of ‘nationalist crime’. It is not a crime because violence is used for the purposes of instilling fear, that is, terrorism. It is not a ‘nationalist crime’ and certainly not national because it calls out for the nation.”

“The phenomenon meets the lack of condemnation of the leadership”

According to Bar, “The phenomenon is under the auspices of the security events, the police hand is running out, and there may even be a sense of covert backing, gaining volume and changing its face: the action of a few to the activity of hundreds. A significant expansion of the scope of the participants in the phenomenon. The loss of fear of administrative arrest in view of their conditions, they win in prison and the money they receive After their release from members of the Knesset together with the granting of legitimacy and the words of Hallel, along with a delegitimization campaign for security forces.”

The letter of the head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar

The head of the Shin Bet added that there is a change “from a focused and secret activity to a broad and visible activity. From the use of a lighter, to the use of weapons. Sometimes using means of warfare that were lawfully distributed by the state. From evading the security forces to attacking the security forces. From breaking away from the establishment to receiving kosher from certain elements in the establishment. It is about our children, we are responsible for education, for providing or lacking legitimacy. for charting the path and charting the boundaries”.

“We are on the brink of a reality-changing process”

According to Bar, “Today the phenomenon is met with a lack of condemnation by the normative leadership and a feeling of a certain governmental backing. The Shin Bet is not the answer to this phenomenon. The Shin Bet is a Band-Aid designed to deal with an extreme minority, it is not the basis for dealing with the root of the problem. A coalition of road mappers, ministers, government ministries, rabbis and regional leaders is required and in the absence of such, every Dalim will rise. The leaders of the phenomenon seek to bring the system to a loss of control in a way that the established system will not have You were able to take control of the events in the field.”

“Revenge attacks ignite another arena in the war”

Bar warned that “we are on the brink of a significant process, changing reality. The damage to the State of Israel, especially at this time, and to the overwhelming majority of the settler public, is indescribable: global delegitimization even among our good friends, the deployment of IDF forces that even so has difficulty standing at all The missions, which is not intended to handle these missions either, revenge attacks that ignite another arena in the multi-arena war we are in, the introduction of additional elements into the circle of terror, ones that were not there before in favor of revenge, a slippery slope that helps the feeling of the lack of governance, another difficulty in creating regional alliances that are needed Opposite the Shiite axis and above all: a great stain on Judaism and on all of us.”

He added: “There will be those who say that this activity is about realizing the ideology of the descendants of Rabbi Kahana in combination with the “rebellion” infrastructure that drew its ideas from Rabbi Ginzburg’s seminary. This also holds that the existing social fabric is easier to destroy than to renovate, supports the dismantling of the state structure and the transfer of the area, to highlight the gap between Judaism and democracy, two values ​​that I understand only reinforce each other. In the name of this worldview, they are ready to endanger the security of the state and its very existence while undermining trust in the state’s institutions.”

“An extensive area of ​​violent activity against Palestinians.” Disturbances in Jit, last week “an inter-ministerial effort is required to eradicate the phenomenon”. Ministers Ben Gabir Wasserlauf on the Temple Mount, last week

The head of the Shin Bet mentioned National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gabir’s ascension to the Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av. Jewish worshipers were recorded bowing on the mountain square in the presence of Ben Gabir. Later the minister issued a statement on the change in the status quo, in which he said that “there is progress, Jews were recorded praying Here – this is my policy.”

According to Bar, “The shows we saw on the Temple Mount (Ben Gabir’s ascent to the Temple Mount) are a tangible expression of this. Progress in this direction will lead to much bloodshed and will change the face of the State of Israel beyond recognition. I believe that an unequivocal statement is required from end to end that this is an illegal and dangerous activity – An interagency effort is required to eradicate the phenomenon. I am convinced that this should be one of the main goals of the government. This phenomenon creates a significant risk for the region’s security.”

Minister Itamar Ben Gabir’s office responded to the report in a statement that it published: “The head of the Shin Bet is trying to create spins and attack Minister Ben Gabir, in order to divert the discussion from his responsibility for the conception and failure of October 7. It won’t help him. After Haliva, he is next in line to go.”

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