The source, speaking to a TASS correspondent, indicated that this “column” of planets will occupy a sector of the sky within the limits of about 160 degrees.
According to him, this August Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn can be seen from midnight until dawn.
At the end of the month, Mercury will begin to appear in the morning sky after 04:00 Moscow time, and on August 28, the waning crescent Moon will join Mars. All the planets mentioned will be positioned to the right of sunrise.
The source added: “On Wednesday, August 28, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and the Moon will line up in the morning sky. [ستة كواكب والقمر]on one side of the sun in a sector of about 160 degrees.”
If the weather is good and cloudless, some of the “planetary parade participants” will be visible to the naked eye, while the rest can be seen with powerful binoculars or a telescope.
A source at the Moscow Planetarium confirms that the August parade will be conditional, because the planets will be present in a very large sector.
A “parade of planets” is seen when several planets visible to the naked eye are close enough to each other to be visible (or invisible if they are close to the Sun) in a narrow (20-30 degree) sector of the sky. A large parade of planets occurs when five or more planets are grouped in this way. A small parade occurs if there are four planets close together. Small “parades” occur about once every 20 years, large ones – much less often.
Source: TASS
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2024-08-25 00:35:48