Why does Insta warn me when I follow back? (Instagram, request) – gutefrage

Why does Insta warn me when I follow back? (Instagram, request) – gutefrage

My girlfriend’s brother hasn’t followed me back on insta for 4 hours. Should I unfollow him?

Or is that childish of me?

I followed him because of his travel photos but I expect him to follow back. I would do the same.

My girlfriend probably noticed that I was following him and I think that’s something you’re happy about as a girlfriend, right?

But the thing about him not following back would annoy me because everyone I follow follows back. Otherwise it’s kind of insulting.

My account is private, his is public. He has already posted things so he must have seen the follow

We are Muslims and it’s a long distance relationship. Her family is wealthier than mine… that’s one of the reasons why I’m thinking about unfollowing him so he doesn’t think I’m following him for his money or something.

Also, honestly even if he followed me back, I would feel like I have less privacy and have to be careful about what I post

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