VATICAN CITY.- This Sunday, the Pope Francis remembered the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiof which 79 years were completed this week, and urged again pray for peace before the wars that ravage the world actual.
“In recent days we have remembered the anniversary of the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” said the pontiff at the end of the Sunday prayer of the Angelus before the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

“As we continue to entrust to the Lord the victims of those events and of all wars, we renew our intense prayer for peace, especially for martyred Ukraine, the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Sudan, Myanmar,” added Pope Francis.
The Holy Father also urged people to pray “for the victims of the tragic air incident in Brazil” that left 62 dead this week.
The Bishop of Rome also recalled the feast of Saint Clare of Assisi, celebrated every August 11, and addressed “a thought to all the Poor Clares.”
In his speech to the faithful, the successor of Peter also appealed to “listen to God” beyond one’s own schemes.
“True faith and prayer open the mind and heart, they do not close them,” said the pontiff, who warned those who “carry out their religious practices not so much to listen to the Lord, but rather to find in them a confirmation of what they think.”
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#Pope #Francis #recalls #bombings #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #calls #peace
2024-08-21 06:54:29