How to Tell If You’ve Been Removed on Snapchat: 6 Methods – Moyens I/O

How to Tell If You’ve Been Removed on Snapchat: 6 Methods – Moyens I/O

It can be a bit tricky to find out when someone has unfriended you on Snapchat because, for privacy reasons, the platform doesn’t send you alerts or show notifications that you’ve been unfriended by a particular user. However, there are other ways to find out if someone has unfriended you on Snapchat and that’s what we’ll explain here.

Before trying any of these methods, we recommend that you log out of Snapchat and log back in, as certain changes will not be visible until you log back into the app.

Method 1: Check your friends list

The My Friends section on Snapchat shows you a list of people you are friends with. If someone has unfriended you, their name will no longer appear in this list. This is a major indicator that the user has unfriended you. Here’s how to check.

  1. On Snapchat, tap your Profile icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Scroll down and tap My friends under “Friends”.
  1. Here, search for the name of the user you suspect removed you.
  2. If their name is not displayed, it means they have unfriended you.

Method 2: Camera replaced by “x” symbol

When you’re friends with someone on Snapchat, you’ll see a camera icon next to their name on the chat screen. This is a shortcut that lets you quickly take Snaps and send them to your friends.

How to Tell If You’ve Been Removed on Snapchat: 6 Methods – Moyens I/O

However, if you have a „x“-Symboljust like in the screenshot above, it means either you didn’t accept the friend request or you were removed as a friend. If you can remember seeing the camera icon before, the answer is obviously the latter. Learn all about the x icon in Snapchat and how to remove it in our dedicated guide.

Method 3: No information on the profile page

Visiting other people’s profile pages on Snapchat is a great way to learn more about your friendship with them on the app. The profile page displays a person’s avatar, Snapscore, Snapstreak between you and that person, their birthday, saved Snaps, horoscope, and charms.

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However, if all you see on their profile is their Snapchat avatar, then they’re probably no longer your friend. Here’s how to check someone’s profile page on Snapchat.

  1. Navigate to chat Screen by tapping the Chat tab from underneath.
  2. Select the conversation you want to open here.
  3. Then tap the Profile icon or user name.
Visiting a Friends profile in Snapchat
  1. This will open their profile page where you can check if their profile details are still visible or not. As an example, we have included two screenshots of the same profile; one when you are friends with them and one when you are not friends with them to show the difference.
Difference between a friend's profile and the profile of a friend who removed you

Method 4: Call options are missing

Snapchat allows you to make calls and video calls on the platform, similar to WhatsApp. The keyboard shortcuts for both are available at the top right of any chat window, as you can see in this screenshot.

Call shortcuts available with friends on Snapchat

If someone has removed you on Snapchat, these options will also disappear. Follow the steps below to check.

  1. To the chat Screen with the Chat tab from the bottom toolbar on Snapchat.
  2. Open a chat with the person and look for the Phone and camera icons in the upper right corner.
  3. If you can’t see them, it means they have unfriended you.
Look for shortcuts for calls and video calls in the chat window

Method 5: The story is no longer visible

Stories shared by your friends are visible in the Stories section under the Friends label. However, if they remove you as a friend, you will no longer see their stories either. This is because Snapchat only allows users to share stories with people they are friends with. You can check this by following these steps:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap the Story tab from the bottom toolbar.
  2. Search for your friends’ stories here and check if they are visible to you.
Check out your friends' Snapchat stories

If their stories don’t appear on Snapchat for a while but they are active on other apps, they may have removed you from the app.

Method 6: Delivered snaps are not opened

You may think that if someone unfriends you, you won’t be able to send them new snaps or texts, but that’s not the case with Snapchat. Your snaps will still go through and will be marked as “Delivered“But the The other person will not receive it if they have removed you. This means that your sent messages will not be marked as “Open“ until you are added again.

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It’s reasonable to assume the other person is busy, but if they don’t look at your Snaps for a while, they’re probably not friends with you on Snapchat.

Aside from all the methods discussed above, I believe that the best thing you can do if you suspect that someone has unfriended you is to at least call that person if possible. If that option is not available to you, these methods should suffice.

However, if you feel like the other person has blocked you on Snapchat, here is a guide to help you figure it out. Let us know in the comments below if you found any of the above options helpful.

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