“I need my Alsace!”

“I need my Alsace!”

Fame does not necessarily bring a change of place of residence. This is the case for Claudio Capéo who has always remained faithful to the region of his childhood, Alsace, his most precious refuge. He lives there with his wife and their two children.

Revealed in season 5 of The VoiceClaudio Capéo still lives with his wife Aurélie Willgallis in Alsace, where he was born. A simple place without any sparkle or flashiness for the 39-year-old singer who finds all his strength and tranquility there.

I never moved, later I think I will always be in Cernay (…) I have all my family there, all my friends, it’s where I was born, it’s where I grew up, it’s there where I am strong, where I simply recharge my batteries. I need my Alsace!” he confided to France Bleu. Parents of Romeo and Caesar, the couple are surrounded by their families and friends.

I’m getting a little closer to my parents. They used to live two kilometers from us. Now we can walk to their house. It’s important for children to enjoy their nonna (grandmother, editor’s note) and their nonno (grandfather, editor’s note). At least they’ll be able to see them often.” he confided in the magazine The two of us. Settled in an unpretentious house where he feels good, Claudio Capéo thinks he will stay all his life in Alsace, a region very dear to his heart.

Claudio Capéo charmed by Brittany

While on tour, he also revealed that he fell in love with Brittany, “a place that feels good” he specifies to France Blue. “There are good people, there is good food, there is good…

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