This is how Forza Italia aims to take over the Centre –

This is how Forza Italia aims to take over the Centre –
Dario Martini

Before the European elections, there were two concepts that he often repeated. Point one: “We want to occupy the space between Meloni and Schlein”. Point two: “We aim to reach 20%”. The two aspects, in Antonio Tajani’s reasoning, should not be separated. So much so that the objective of the blue leader is consequential: “The space in the center belongs to Forza Italia”. It is in this logic, and on the ashes of the former Third Pole of Renzi and Calenda, that we must read what is happening these days. Starting from the open front on citizenship, a topic that has returned to the fore after the Olympic successes to which several athletes with at least one parent of foreign origin contributed. Tajani immediately seized the opportunity: “We are in favor of the ius scholae”. Which is very different from the ius soli, or citizenship that can be acquired automatically at birth, advocated by the left.

This is how Forza Italia aims to take over the Centre –

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Since then, the blue troops have strengthened this line every day, addressing directly the moderate electorate that does not look to the left, but seeks representation in the center-right. Raffaele Nevi, deputy and spokesperson for Forza Italia, reiterated this yesterday in an interview with Quotidiano del Sud: «There is no turning to the left on the ius scholae. We have our proposals and when we consider them fair and balanced we do not worry about who shares them and who does not. We try to be consistent with our liberal approach and with the ideas, values, and projects for Italy refined over the years with President Berlusconi. Citizenship must be the right recognition of a deep integration process that cannot fail to pass through school». Paolo Emilio Russo, leader of the blue group in the Constitutional Affairs Committee, is even more direct: «There are urgent laws, then there are others that are more simply fair. A citizenship reform is undoubtedly that».

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The center-left’s hope is to take advantage of the opportunity to divide the majority. There are those like Carlo Calenda who believe they can start a dialogue: “Forza Italia’s choice opens up prospects.” But the leader of Azione knows well that he must guard against a pitfall, namely that members of his party, like Mara Carfagna and Mariastella Gelmini, could be tempted by the blue sirens. Another issue that Forza Italia and its secretary have been pushing hard on lately is setting limits to differentiated autonomy. Be careful: this position is in no way superimposable to that of the center-left that is collecting signatures to repeal it. “Forza Italia will monitor the implementation of the law,” Nevi said. “The definition of the Lep (Essential Levels of Performance, ed.) and their financing can be a great opportunity for the South. Only after this will it be possible to evaluate the possible granting of autonomy.” It is clear that phrases of this type create friction with the League. But Tajani’s goal is to expand to the center. And to do so he must necessarily distance himself from his allies on some issues.

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Even on prisons, the party founded by Berlusconi is playing its own game. The “inspections” by the blue deputies in the major Italian penitentiaries are an example of this. The plan of the Keeper of the Seals Nordio on prisons focuses on construction and re-education of the prisoner, reducing the prison population and having drug-addicted prisoners serve their sentences in communities. Meanwhile Forza Italia would not disdain a greater determination on alternative measures. On the eve of Ferragosto, the group leader in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, visited the penitentiary institute of Favignana, in the province of Trapani, and invited “to evaluate alternative contexts to the execution of the sentence”. In this case the greatest distances are with Fratelli d’Italia. It is no coincidence that the day before yesterday the Undersecretary of Justice, Andrea Delmastro, was quick to clarify: “No measure to empty the prisons is being studied”.

#Forza #Italia #aims #Centre #Tempo
2024-08-18 20:16:24

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