GRANDPARENTS BONUS AUGUST 2024 +REQUIREMENTS. Find out about August’s information on the Special Bonus for Grandparents through the Patria Platform.
August is moving forward and many users have begun to search for information about the Special Bonus for Grandparents 2024, which, according to local media, the government of Nicolás Maduro would give to those registered in the Great Mission of Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland.
Senior citizens in Venezuela want to be informed about when this new payment will arrive through the platform and how much it will be. Therefore, below we will tell you all the latest news about this long-awaited subsidy.
What is the Special Bonus for Grandparents 2024?
To date, the existence of a Special Bonus for Grandparents 2024 has not been confirmed. Although media in Venezuela suggested that this benefit could be linked to the social program Gran Misión Abuelos y Abuelas de la Patria.
In this context, it is important to remember that the media that usually confirm payments from the Venezuelan Government are Canal Patria Digital y Social Protection Bonds for the People in X. Until a new grant is confirmed, it is recommended not to share personal data with unknown sources that promise payments.
How much would the bonus for senior citizens be?
How to apply for the Grandparents Bonus in 2024?

If the delivery of the Special Bonus for Grandparents 2024 is confirmed, the first to receive the payment will be those enrolled in the Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland’s Great Mission. To register for this new social program, follow these steps:
- Access the Patria platform: Enter the Homeland platform.
- Select the Great Mission Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland: Once inside the platform, search and select The Great Mission of Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland.
- Answer the query: The question will appear: ‘Do you want to answer this question for the grandparents of Venezuela?’. If you select ‘yes’ and then ‘send’, the questionnaire will be presented to you.
- Fill out the survey: The survey includes socioeconomic questions to determine the grandparents’ source of income. These include retirement, IVSS pension, 100% Amor Mayor and remittances, among others. Questions must also be asked about the presence of any disability, food benefits, social missions that provide help, and the information channels used, among other things.
- Send the survey: Once you have completed all the questions, be sure to submit the survey.

2024-08-18 04:35:07