Almost 25,000 people were forced to leave their homes after the storms they hit more than half of its cities southern Brazil
The floods caused by the torrential rains in southern Brazil they have claimed the lives of 56 people and at least 67 others are missing, according to the latest report released today by the civil protection service.
According to his principles Rio Grande do Sulnearly 25,000 people were forced to flee their homes after the storms hit more than half of the 497 towns in this state that borders Uruguay and Argentina.
Roads and bridges were destroyed by the waters in many areas. Landslides were also triggered and a dam at a small hydroelectric station partially collapsed. There is also a risk of a second dam collapsing in the city Bento Gonsalves.
At Porto Alegrethe capital of Rio Grande do Sul, the Guaiba River overflowed, flooding the streets. Porto Alegre International Airport suspended all flights indefinitely.
State Governor Eduardo Leyte told reporters that the death toll could rise. Rain is expected again in the northern parts of the State today and authorities have urged those living in communities at risk to seek shelter elsewhere.
Source: RES-MPE
#Brazil #dead #missing #deadly #storms