Wide field uphill, Bari still without a council. M5s and the left: agreements betrayed. The Liguria case is a mess

Wide field uphill, Bari still without a council. M5s and the left: agreements betrayed. The Liguria case is a mess

Rome, 15 August 2024 – The Bari council is dramatically late almost two months after the vote. The veto of the 5 Star Movement and Avs on Italia Viva in the coalition that will support the centre-left candidate for Liguria Region Andrea Orlando because the Renzians support the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci who is center-right. And on the table also the cases of Piedmont and Basilicatawhere what remains of the Third Pole is allied with the governors of Forza Italia Alberto Cirio and Vito Bardi. In short, the construction of the enlarged Campo Largo (at least in Iv, even if in the Azione area some temptation of convergence is beginning to be felt) is fraught with political obstacles. And inconsistencies to be resolved. Also because if it is already difficult for two people to get along (PD and M5S in Puglia despite an important electoral victory because it was not a given after the cases of corruption in the municipality), let alone with a third wheel of the caliber of Matteo Renzi.

Michele Laforgia with Giuseppe Conte

The Bari case

The latest news on the Bari council say that the team has been found on two council positions. But the conditional is a must because for fifty days a white smoke has been expected. The latest argument, which almost led to a breakup, started from the refusal of a seat. Namely that of president of the city council. Michele Laforgia said nowho came in third in the first round with the support of Giuseppe Conte and Nicola Fratoianni and then supported the winner, Vito Leccese, former right-hand man of Antonio Decaro. Laforgia made it known that Leccese had betrayed the agreements reached before the ballot. Then the association ‘La Giusta Causa’, founded by the criminal lawyer, asked the mayor to withdraw the ordinance on urban security that had just been passed.

The negotiation in Liguria

A couple of days ago the two contenders met for a clarification. Which seems to have clarified little, given that Laforgia said that he still has to “verify whether the conditions exist to participate in the government of the city”. While the possibility is gaining ground that the alliance that supported him in the end let two departments go, even if the request would be to get to three. Meanwhile, another heated negotiation is going on in Liguria, where Carlo Calenda says that the entry of Azione into the coalition that will support Andrea Orlando as governor “is not a given”. While the other wing of the former Third Pole, namely Italia Viva, does not seem willing to take steps back from the majority to which it belongs, as the grillini are asking: in Genoa it has an assessor, Mauro Avvenente, and supports the council with two councilors.

With us or against us

Not only that. Because it was also pointed out in a rather peremptory way in recent days by the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni: “Are the Genoa and Basilicata councils, for example, finished experiences? Is Renzi organizing a press conference to announce his exit? Until this happens, there is no point in discussing it. It’s pure theater”. While the M5s reiterated its position with deputy Michele Gubitosa at Agorà: “Renzi enters the parties and destroys everything, from the base to the leaders. We have already seen it with the Conte government and with the PD. Unfortunately, we are worried about political unreliability. Then the PD does what it wants but for us Renzi, and the Dems know it, is a problem”. Secretary Elly Schlein the difficult task of finding a solution.

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