We have reached the peak of this intense heat wave but there is the data of the turning point, or rather of the “thermal collapse“. In short, the great heat is about to end and it is hoped that the expected precipitations will also improve the situation in regions hit by drought such as Sicily. To provide the forecasts for the next few days and the expected temperatures is the colonel Mario Giuliaccipoint of reference of the weather forecast on TV and the web. “The heat is reaching its peak and will reach its maximum values right at the end of this week”, explains the expert in a video on the YouTube channel MeteoGiuliacciThe hottest regions at this time are those in the north-east, Emilia Romagna, the central regions and Puglia.

But we were talking about a “thermal collapse”: well, when will it happen? “The heat wave will end between Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August”, explains Giuliacci, when there will be “a drop in temperatures of between 6 and 8 degrees in the north-west regions, 5-6 degrees in the north-east and maximum temperatures will be between 28 and 30 degrees everywhere”. There will also be precipitation, with showers and thunderstorms expected in the north between Friday 16 and Sunday 18 August, and in Campania. From Saturday 17 to Monday 19 August temperatures will gradually drop across Italy by 7-8 degrees, explains Giuliacci, but in the South, in Sicily and Sardinia it is unlikely that they will drop below 30 degrees.
#date #thermal #collapse #Tempo
2024-08-15 20:34:49