Pulmonology and respiratory medicine specialist at Pasar Minggu Regional General Hospital, dr. Ririen Razika Ramdhani MARS Sp.P.FAPSR FISR said there are several symptoms of lung cancer that must be watched out for. She explained that symptoms can be felt if the tumor has affected the lung membrane, namely, first, coughing and shortness of breath that cannot be identified as the cause of other diseases.
“This is due to the tumor occurring in the respiratory tract. If the tumor becomes large enough or fluid collects in the chest cavity, this will result in the tumor spreading to other places or parts.
“Others in the lungs, then a patient will experience shortness of breath,” he said in a health discussion with Pasar Minggu Regional Hospital which was attended in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/8).
In addition to coughing and shortness of breath, Ririen continued, lung cancer can also be identified if someone coughs up blood. This, she said, is because the tumor is already in the central respiratory area or in the middle of the lungs, forming a cavity that can injure blood vessels in the lungs.
This doctor who graduated from the University of Indonesia said that another symptom that is often complained of by patients is chest pain because the tumor is pressing on nerves and blood vessels.
“What is also important is that we must be aware if there is swelling in the face and arms which can be caused by a tumor that is getting bigger and pressing on the blood vessels,” continued Ririen.
Ririen said that in Indonesia, most lung cancer patients come with severe tumor conditions and advanced stages so that the management is more difficult than if it had been diagnosed early. She also said that data from hospitals that handle lung and thoracic cancers stated that 92% of lung cancers are experienced at the age of 40 to 60 years with the majority being male.
Early detection and screening are needed to diagnose lung cancer symptoms by conducting independent detection and controlling preventable risks such as avoiding smoking, exposure to pollution and avoiding risky jobs such as exposure to asbestos.
“We are trying to reduce the number of new cases of lung cancer by carrying out preventive efforts by paying attention to risk factors, especially risk factors that can be controlled, so we are trying to…
“to be able to reduce the number of new cases of lung cancer,” said Ririen.
Ririen said that someone who has been exposed to or been exposed to something that is a risk factor, then efforts need to be made to increase life expectancy by carrying out screening programs and detection programs with further examinations such as Low Dose CT Scan. (Ant/H-3)
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