Construction cartel: Million dollar fine against Bodner Bau from Tyrol legally binding

The Tyrolean Hans Bodner Baugesellschaft from Kufstein must now actually pay a fine of 1.05 million euros because it was directly involved in price fixing and coordination as well as market allocation from at least the end of 2010 to mid-July 2015, the BWB announced on Tuesday. The criminal complaint was already made public in April.

The uncovered cartel affects the construction industry throughout Austria, with the main focus being on road construction. Both public and private clients are affected. A large number of construction projects are involved, and the BWB’s investigations are ongoing.

So far, fines totaling over 180 million euros have been imposed. Of this, 62.35 million euros went to the construction company Porr, 27.15 million euros to Swietelsky and 26.33 million euros to Habau. Because new evidence has emerged, the proceedings against the construction company Strabag have been reopened. As a key witness in the construction cartel case, Strabag received a reduced fine of 45.4 million euros; in the renewed proceedings, the amount of the fine is unclear.



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