Luca Palamara, a former magistrate and former member of the Higher Council of the Judiciary, is considering using the new provisions of the Nordio bill, both on criminal proceedings in Perugia and on disciplinary matters. “The abolition of the crime of abuse of office and the modification of the rules on illicit influence peddling by the Nordio bill eliminate from the regulatory landscape crimes with somewhat evanescent characteristics – explains the former president of the ANM – as has always been recognized by a host of jurists and magistrates and by the same international conventions that require member states to adopt clear and precise types of crimes”.

“Personally, I will instruct my lawyers to evaluate both in the context of criminal enforcement and in the disciplinary context before the CSM the effects that this new discipline will have on the case that concerned me – Palamara explains in a note – which for the good of the judiciary I wanted to close even though I never abused my position. I would like to underline that the same judges who dealt with my case have already excluded any corruption at the CSM in terms of appointments as well as any strategy to discredit the magistrates of the Rome Prosecutor’s Office”.

Palamara’s assessments concern both the criminal proceedings, already closed in Perugia, and the disciplinary issues. “It is now time to write other pieces of truth on the judicial histories of our country starting from the reasons why in May 2019 my judicial affair was used to prevent an appointment that a part of the judiciary and the reference information strongly opposed fearing a discontinuity with the Pignatone management. I am certain that this battle for truth and justice will contribute to giving the country a stronger and more credible judiciary and above all truly autonomous and independent”, declares the former magistrate again.
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2024-08-13 07:53:14