Alex Roca makes history again! He manages to finish the ‘Marathon pour tous’ in Paris 2024

Alex Roca faced yesterday in Paris to one of the greatest challenges of his life. He participated in the ‘Marathon for all‘, an event linked to the Paris Olympicswhich took place on Saturday evening, August 10, with the participation of 20,024 runners, including himself.

Her goal was not only to fulfill a dream, but also to “leave a mark and fight to give visibility to all people with disabilities so that they can have role models.”

At six months of age, Alex Roca (Barcelona1991) suffered from herpes viral encephalitis (cerebral herpes), which caused cerebral palsy with 76% physical disability, mainly affecting the left hemisphere of his body.

Because of this, he has reduced mobility and communicates through sign language.

At the end of the test, the second one he managed to finish after the one Barcelona of 2023, the excitement of Alex He joined all his companions in this incredible adventure, among whom are the athlete and YouTuber collaborator of Valentí Sanjuan Sports World and, of course, your partner Mary Carme Mazawho accompanies him in each and every one of his challenges and dreams.



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