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Alexandra Lukesh

The drama in the final of the 100 m run, the ball that “eliminated” Atmanov: the photographer Oz Moalem, we sent to Paris, summarizes unforgettable games”,”titleLink”:” right”},{“media”:{“mediaType” :”MEDIA_IMAGE”,”url”:” Oral Cohen”,”alt”:”Daniel Kaykov 12.8.24″,”ariaHidden”:false,”itemLinkUrl”:” Kupfer”,”title”:””I don’t pay electricity ,nwater and rent. Life nin a truck is my rebellion”nn”,”subTitle”:””,”titleLink”:” right”},{“media”:{“mediaType”:”MEDIA_IMAGE”,”url”:” Ron Shapira . Our new man in The Hague (photo: Gabriel Beharlia) “,”alt”:”Prof. Ron Shapira”,”ariaHidden”:false,”itemLinkUrl”:”Shaked”,”title”:””A commission of inquiry is not the way, we need Elections””,”subTitle”:”Prof. Ron Shapira did not come to please anyone. Not the one who claimed that his appointment as Aharon Barak’s replacement at the Hague Tribunal was a finger in the eye. Not Prime Minister Netanyahu who is claimed to be close to him. And not those who think that a commission of inquiry must be set up. In an exclusive interview, he tells why a commission of inquiry should not be established, what was the mistake of the protesters against the legal revolution and why does he think that the majority of judges in The Hague will rule in favor of Israel?”,”titleLink”:” right”},{“media”:{“mediaType”: “MEDIA_IMAGE”,”url”:” Oren was injured in the Iron Swords War and is being rehabilitated at the Ichilov Hospital (Photo: Yariv Katz) “,”alt”:”Shila Oren was injured in the Iron Swords War and is being rehabilitated at the Ichilov Hospital”,”ariaHidden”:false ,”itemLinkUrl”:” Condemnations”,”title”:”Fighting to return to life: “The physical injury is visible, the mental damage is hard to talk about””,”subTitle”:”Many fighters who have been injured since October 7 are currently in the long and challenging phase Most of the treatment: rehabilitation. We accompanied five of them to the rehabilitation hospital for war wounded in Ichilov, where they relearn, with a tremendous effort, to do the most basic things. “The atmosphere in the department is like a family,” they say. “All of our lives have suddenly changed, and we help each other to adapt””,”titleLink”:” right”}],”width”:1240,”imageWidth”:190,”imageHeight”:107,”fieldsDisplaySettings”:{“__version “:0,”__objectDataTypeName”:”LinkedItemFieldDisplay”,”isAuthorVisible”:true,”isTitleVisible”:true,”isSubTitleVisible”:true,”isDateVisible”:true,”isHourVisible”:true,”isAdVisible”:false,”isTabVisible “:true,”isLineVisible”:true,”isCategoryVisible”:false,”isChannelNameVisible”:false,”isMobileTabVisible”:false},”videoSettings”:{“__version”:0,”__objectDataTypeName”:”LinkedItemVideoSettings”,”isVideoLightbox “:true,”hideVideoAds”:false,”isLive”:false},”onRowDisplay”:true,”titleColor”:”#000000″,”isLTR”:false,”ads_infrastructure_type”:”new”}]);



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