“I’m thinking about the constituent process of the 5 Star Movement, which is going very well…”. Repeatedly approached by journalists in the Transatlantic Chamber, after having met first the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein, and then the leaders of the Green Left Alliance, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli, Giuseppe Conte dodges questions about the fiery letter written by 11 former parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement in defense of Beppe Grillo. The M5S leader spreads his arms and looks up, wishing everyone “happy holidays”, when asked if he was worried about the departure of Senator Antonio Trevisi, who has joined Forza Italia.
Advice from Schlein on how to manage the currents in the party? “We don’t have currents – he assures – we have another model”. With the partners of the centre-left “we only said hello”, Conte limits himself to saying. Fratoianni instead goes into more detail: “We discussed with Conte how to coordinate our work more closely. The theme is the one that has already been laid out: it is necessary to build an alternative to the right…”. Bonelli also reports that at the centre of the conversation with the number one of the 5 Stars was “the urgency of tightening relations between us with a view to building an alliance that puts at its centre a programme that does not produce the mistakes of the past. If today the centre-left is in opposition, this also has a programmatic nature that comes from afar”. The stone guest is the leader of Iv Matteo Renzi, to whom Fratoianni sends a message: “Politics is not a football match, and moreover a charity match…”.
#constituent #process #Tempo
2024-08-12 02:57:07