One million pesos and a house, part of the death insurance for civil guards

San Luis Potosí, SLP.- In a show of support, goodwill and sensitivity towards the security elements of the three levels of Government, the head of the State Executive, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, announced that in addition to the life insurance of one million pesos that is already available, there will be the provision of a home to provide security and certainty to the families of the elements fallen in the line of duty.

These incentives are added to the integration of all active elements of the State Civil Guard into the Food Security Plan that the State Government will launch starting next October, with an investment of more than 2 billion pesos annually and which will be delivered every 40 days to their families.

This initiative by the state leader is in response to the dedication and effort of the security elements, who daily expose their lives in the fight against crime, with the commitment and firm purpose of providing better conditions of peace and tranquility to the families of Potosí every day.

The governor’s empathy and encouragement for the security elements extends to the personnel of the National Guard and the Army on duty in the state of San Luis Potosí: “Every time we have a man killed in the line of duty, we already have a life insurance policy of one million pesos for their families, so that they have something to support their children, and now also a home,” said Gallardo Cardona.

In an effort to create equal conditions, he called on mayors to join the effort to provide guarantees and certainty to the families of fallen officers fulfilling their mission as safeguards of the safety and integrity of the people of San Luis Potosí, so that municipal police officers also receive these benefits.

“The right to municipal police can be extended to municipalities that wish to join, so that the officers do not hesitate in the fight against crime in the face of uncertainty about the future for their families.”

He added that the new Food Security Plan, which will soon be launched, consists of the provision of 25 kilos of grain that could even be planted, and will include, in addition to the GCE elements, municipal police and elements of the federal forces that will join the state security strategy.



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