Maduro files an appeal to defend his reelection

Maduro files an appeal to defend his reelection

CARACAS.- Nicolas Maduropresident of Venezuelafiled an appeal for protection before the electoral chamber of Supreme Court of Justice after being re-elected to office during a controversial and questioned electoral process.

Through the appeal, Maduro asks the Supreme Court of Venezuela to carry out an expert appraisal of the election results.

This is the first “concession” by the president to the demands of the opposition, international organizations and dozens of citizen protests alleging electoral fraud and disavowing Maduro as the legitimate president.

Maduro files for amparo over elections

On Wednesday morning, Maduro asked the Supreme Court of Justice to conduct an expert appraisal of the results of the presidential elections that gave him victory.

Such request occurs three days after the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared him the winner, with 80% of the votes counted but without making the results transparent since there is no official vote count publicly available.

The former official candidate assured that he is willing to show all the minutes of the election scrutiny.

For its part, the Venezuelan opposition announced yesterday Tuesday that it has in its possession 84% of the voting center records, in which a majority of votes were recorded in favor of its candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez.

The figures were shared in a “Comando Venezuela” websitein which they present the digitalized minutes of each table.

Maduro files an appeal to defend his reelection

We remind you that the website of the CNEwhich was supposed to collect and allow access to the vote count, has been down since at least Monday morning, when Maduro was officially declared the winner of the elections.

Previously, Maduro referred to a “cyber attack” on the CNE systems on the day of the vote, which he asked the Supreme Court to include in the investigation of the electoral process.

“I submit to justice,” said the Venezuelan president at the court headquarters, where he was accompanied by his wife, Cilia Floresthe vice president Delcy Rodriguez, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Godfather and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yvan Gil.

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They doubt the veracity of the expert opinion

Following Maduro’s announcement of an expert opinion on the election results, questions did not cease because the Supreme Court is closely aligned with the Venezuelan government.

Last January, the Court ratified the disqualification of the opposition member Maria Corina Machadowhich prevented her from running for president.

The judges of the highest court are proposed by the Prosecutor’s Officethe Ombudsman’s Office and the Comptroller’s Office and then ratified by the National Assembly, currently dominated by the ruling party.

He Carter Centerwho was invited by the CNE to observe the elections, questioned on Wednesday the independence of this possible expert opinion in the hands of the Supreme Court.

The same body said last night that it could not verify the election results due to the “lack of transparency” of the Venezuelan authorities and stressed that the election “cannot be considered democratic.”

Maduro also asked the Court to summon and question all the candidates who participated in the elections, this in the context of threats he made to the opposition candidate and contender in the elections, Edmundo González.

In the past three days, there have also been reports of the alleged arrest of opponents and even electoral workers, as well as meetings between Maduro’s team and Russian and Chinese advisors in a special security commission, a fact confirmed by the president himself.

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#Maduro #files #appeal #defend #reelection
2024-08-11 23:18:05



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