The production of three million gowns will generate three thousand jobs through the National Agreement

Asuncion, IP Agency.- With the aim of protecting healthcare professionals, the first in the line of battle against Covid-19, and generating sources of employment in the country, the Minister of Public Health, Julio Mazzoleni, awarded the “National Agreement for the Provision of Hospital Gowns”, through Resolution SG No. 372.

“The national agreement will reactivate many workshops, and these in turn will hire more Paraguayans. Producing in Paraguay has a job-multiplying effect. The 3,000 jobs will have a great socioeconomic impact and the most important thing is that we will protect those who care for us the most, our doctors, nurses, and other health professionals,” the State portfolio states on its website.

Thus, the National Agreement No. 1/20 for the provision of hospital gowns is underway with the union of large, medium and small companies in our country; the total investment amount will be 114,114,000,000 guaraníes.

To this end, the Paraguayan Association of Garment Workers (AICP) has built a three-line model, where everyone will collaborate. The objective is to distribute the work, maintain jobs and contribute to economic reactivation. By producing in the country, work will be provided for thousands of Paraguayans distributed throughout the chain.

The first link in the chain is made up of those who produce the fabric made with NTA98, a material that protects against the new coronavirus, developed exclusively in Paraguay. Then come the sellers of inputs, those who cut and sew, sellers of bags and boxes for packaging and those who transport. Finally, professionals who advise the garment makers (lawyers, accountants, engineers).

#production #million #gowns #generate #thousand #jobs #National #Agreement
2024-08-11 03:22:30



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